SPIKE: Repo-sync transition plan
as part of this epic &340 (closed) need to come up with a solution to provide a more reliable method of syncing between repo1 and github.
some options could be:
- gitlab mirrors for all projects
- bigbang-bot integration with webhooks
- need to also consider keeping existing repo-sync tool and repairing it.
The following repos are the context of this new repo sync
- bigbang, 2872
- istio, 3550
- istiooperator, 3549
- jaeger, 4985
- kiali, 4984
- clusterAuditor, 2905
- gatekeeper, 1870
- kyverno, 11089
- kyvernopolicies, 11640
- kyvernoreporter, 11952
- elasticsearch-kibana, 3554
- eckoperator, 3551
- fluentbit, 3552
- promtail, 8649
- loki, 7444
- neuvector, 11866
- tempo, 7445
- monitoring, 1814
- twistlock, 2314
- argocd, 2326
- authservice, 3472
- minioOperator, 4359
- minio, 2489
- gitlab, 2312
- gitlabRunner, 2325
- nexusRepositoryManager, 4906
- sonarqube, 2317
- haproxy, 3874
- anchore, 2315
- mattermostOperator, 4588
- mattermost, 2313
- velero, 3632
- keycloak, 2324
- vault, 7074
- metricsServer, 11947
- jira, 2316
- confluence, 2318
- fortify, 2512
- harbor, 3964
- redis, 4986
- podinfo, 4885
- vpa, 12989
- thanos, 11915
- wrapper, 12682
- gluon, 6751
- landscape, 12293
- iconDecorator, 8812
- keycloakPlugin, 12194
- grafana, 13432
branch to github
for every repo above push - will need to setup keys for github repo
- setup gitlab mirror push rule for just the
and all protected
branches to github
for bigbang product repo push - this is already setup and working
- might want to audit keys used here
for bigbang product repo, push all tags to github
- this is already automatically setup, and tags move along with
community contribution
issue, push comment to github
if comment on - need to setup gitlab webhook on all repos to watch for these comments.
- once triggered,
pipeline kicks off to send update to github
if opened issue in github, push to gitlab and label it with community contribution
- setup webhook to send to
so it can create the MR in the neccessary repo
if comment on on issue push to gitlab
- setup webhook to send to
so it can update the correct MR in the neccessary repo
issues to create
- Proof of concept issue
- audit existing bigbang product mirror keys
- create
webhook that will be used to kickoff pipelines from github - create
pipeline to push comment to github community contribution issue - create
pipeline to pull in new github issue- label with
community contribution
- link to github issue
- label with
- create
pipeline to updatecommunity contribution
issue - one issue for each repo to get mirror and webhooks set up