Upgrade Monitoring Stack to 14.x
Current monitoring stack is version 11.X, but version 14.X is out:
We need to
- Architecture Review of changes in major components
- Identify all images needing updates
- Get images through Iron Bank
- Update Monitoring Chart with changes
- Show closed items
Is blocked by
- dsop/opensource/prometheus/prometheus #6
- dsop/opensource/grafana/grafana #3
Newest first Oldest first
Show all activity Show comments only Show history only
- runyontr added monitoring label
added monitoring label
- joshwolf added kindenhancement label
added kindenhancement label
- Ryan Garcia assigned to @ryan.j.garcia
assigned to @ryan.j.garcia
- Contributor
Only breaking changes from 11.X to 12.X (no mention past 12.X)
The chart was migrated to support only helm v3 and later.
- Ryan Garcia marked the checklist item Architecture Review of changes in major components as completed
marked the checklist item Architecture Review of changes in major components as completed
- Contributor
For chart version 13.0.0
IMAGE TAG IN IB NOTES alertmanager v0.21.0 Y kube-webhook-certgen v1.5.0 N prometheus-operator v0.45.0 N prometheus-config-reloader v0.45.0 N prometheus v2.24.0 N grafana 7.3.5 Y dep chart version 6.1.16 node-exporter v1.0.1 Y dep chart version 1.12.0 kube-state-metrics v1.9.7 Y dep chart version 2.9.8 Edited by Ryan Garcia - Contributor
prometheus-operator IronBank Request
prometheus-config-reloader IronBank Request
Filled out formal reqeust for jettech/kube-webhook-certgen image. Don't see issue in DSOP yet.
Chat with IB CHT, prometheus-operator is moving namespaces from opensource/coreos/ project to opensource/prometheus-operator with this update. Because of this they will be jumping straight to v0.46.0 of image.
Edited by Ryan Garcia - Ryan Garcia marked this issue as related to dsop/opensource/prometheus/prometheus#6 (closed)
marked this issue as related to dsop/opensource/prometheus/prometheus#6 (closed)
- Ryan Garcia marked this issue as related to dsop/opensource/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator#1 (closed)
marked this issue as related to dsop/opensource/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator#1 (closed)
- Ryan Garcia marked this issue as related to dsop/opensource/prometheus-operator/prometheus-config-reloader#1 (closed)
marked this issue as related to dsop/opensource/prometheus-operator/prometheus-config-reloader#1 (closed)
- Ryan Garcia marked the checklist item Identify all images needing updates as completed
marked the checklist item Identify all images needing updates as completed
- Ryan Garcia added statusblocked + 1 deleted label
added statusblocked + 1 deleted label
- Contributor
Checked and prometheus-operator, prometheus-config-reloader and prometheus images are out (Even if a version or two beyond what the chart states), beginning testing chart 13.X while waiting for kube-webhook-certgen container image to come through IB.
- Contributor
From chart version 12 > 13 looks like operator CRDs were changed and need to be manually applied: https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/kube-prometheus-stack-14.0.0/charts/kube-prometheus-stack#from-12x-to-13x
- Contributor
After research, since latest operator image in IB is v0.46.0, here are required images for v14.0.0 For chart version 14.0.0
IMAGE TAG IN IB NOTES alertmanager v0.21.0 Y kube-webhook-certgen v1.5.0 N request has been submitted prometheus-operator v0.46.0 Y prometheus-config-reloader v0.46.0 Y prometheus v2.24.0 N v2.25.0 is in IB grafana 7.4.2 N dep chart version 6.4.8 node-exporter v1.0.1 Y dep chart version 1.14.2 kube-state-metrics v1.9.8 Y dep chart version 2.13.0 k8s-sidecar 1.10.6 Y dep chart version 6.4.8 Edited by Ryan Garcia - Ryan Garcia marked this issue as related to dsop/opensource/grafana/grafana#3 (closed)
marked this issue as related to dsop/opensource/grafana/grafana#3 (closed)
- Ryan Garcia marked this issue as related to dsop/opensource/jet/kube-webhook-certgen#1 (closed)
marked this issue as related to dsop/opensource/jet/kube-webhook-certgen#1 (closed)
- Ryan Garcia changed milestone to %1.5.0
changed milestone to %1.5.0
- Ryan Garcia removed 1 deleted label
removed 1 deleted label
- Ryan Garcia added 1 deleted label and removed statusblocked label
added 1 deleted label and removed statusblocked label
- Ryan Garcia unassigned @ryan.j.garcia
unassigned @ryan.j.garcia
- Ryan Garcia changed title from Upgrade Monitoring Stack to 13.X to Upgrade Monitoring Stack to 14.X
changed title from Upgrade Monitoring Stack to 13.X to Upgrade Monitoring Stack to 14.X
- Ryan Garcia changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- Killian Byrne changed iteration to Big Bang Iterations Mar 30, 2021 - Apr 5, 2021
changed iteration to Big Bang Iterations Mar 30, 2021 - Apr 5, 2021
- Killian Byrne added to epic &23 (closed)
added to epic &23 (closed)
- Killian Byrne added statusblocked label and removed 1 deleted label
added statusblocked label and removed 1 deleted label
- Killian Byrne changed milestone to %1.6.0
changed milestone to %1.6.0
- Killian Byrne removed milestone %1.6.0
removed milestone %1.6.0
- Killian Byrne removed iteration Big Bang Iterations Mar 30, 2021 - Apr 5, 2021
removed iteration Big Bang Iterations Mar 30, 2021 - Apr 5, 2021
- Killian Byrne added ~2865 priority8 labels
added ~2865 priority8 labels
- Killian Byrne removed priority8 label
removed priority8 label
- Killian Byrne added priority4 label
added priority4 label
- Killian Byrne changed epic to &63 (closed)
changed epic to &63 (closed)
- Killian Byrne added 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label
- Killian Byrne removed 1 deleted label
removed 1 deleted label
- Jason Krause removed statusblocked label
removed statusblocked label
- Jason Krause added priority5 label and removed priority4 label
- Ryan Garcia assigned to @ryan.j.garcia
assigned to @ryan.j.garcia
- Ryan Garcia changed milestone to %1.13.0
changed milestone to %1.13.0
- Ryan Garcia changed iteration to Big Bang Iterations Jul 13, 2021 - Jul 26, 2021
changed iteration to Big Bang Iterations Jul 13, 2021 - Jul 26, 2021
- Ryan Garcia set weight to 4
set weight to 4
- Jason Krause changed title from Upgrade Monitoring Stack to 14.X to Upgrade Monitoring Stack to 14.x
changed title from Upgrade Monitoring Stack to 14.X to Upgrade Monitoring Stack to 14.x
- Jason Krause set weight to 5
set weight to 5
- Jason Krause unassigned @ryan.j.garcia
unassigned @ryan.j.garcia
- Ryan Garcia assigned to @ryan.j.garcia
assigned to @ryan.j.garcia
- Contributor
KPT update to upstream version 14.0.0 plus restoration of bigbang templates and dashboards and values:
- Jason Krause added statusdoing label
added statusdoing label
- Ryan Garcia marked the checklist item Get images through Iron Bank as completed
marked the checklist item Get images through Iron Bank as completed