@kipten this issue has been inactive for 30 days and is being labelled as stale. If this issue is still required please take action by removing the stale label and commenting with an update, status, or justification. If this issue is not required please close it or label it as delete-me. If no action is taken this issue will be auto closed in 60 days.
@kipten this issue has been inactive for 60 days and is being labelled as marked-for-auto-close. If this issue is still required please take action by removing the stale and marked-for-auto-close labels and commenting with an update, status, or justification. If this issue is not required please close it or label it as delete-me. If no action is taken this issue will be auto closed in 30 days.
@kipten this issue has been inactive for 30 days and is being labelled as stale. If this issue is still required please take action by removing the stale label and commenting with an update, status, or justification. If this issue is not required please close it or label it as delete-me. If no action is taken this issue will be auto closed in 60 days.
@kipten this issue has been inactive for 30 days and is being labelled as stale. If this issue is still required please take action by removing the stale label and commenting with an update, status, or justification. If this issue is not required please close it or label it as delete-me. If no action is taken this issue will be auto closed in 60 days.
Currently the pipeline is failing due to it getting the ingress-certs.yaml file from the URL of the master branch where our new values for istioGatewayPublic don't exist. A couple of options to resolve this:
Temporarily hardcode the values for istioGatewayPublic cert and key in our test-values.yaml file just to get the pipeline to pass and then remove it on the next MR as it will now exist in the ingress-certs.yaml file of the master branch.
It appears the change was originally made as a result of how the nightly pipelines run, but not 100% sure if that's the case so running that information down.