Additional data present in wrapper namespace pkg-value secrets
When {pkg}-values secrets are propagated to the wrapper applications namespace they contain the information they need from the configmap's values but they also contain the bigbang defaults. It looks like these manifests are produced here This makes it so while we get the values we wanted to pass we get an additonal set of values under the key bigbang. Generally this appears as a list of bigbang supported apps and a boolean of weather they are enabled or disabled.
Describe the problem, what were you doing when you noticed the bug?
In the past this additional information did not hurt anything, but today we are attempting to install the splunkotelcollector chart via wrapper and the chart contains a values.schema.json file. This causes the HR to error out with the error message
**Warning InstallFailed 2m9s helm-controller Helm install failed for release splunkotelcollector/splunkotelcollector with chart splunk-otel-collector@0.120.1+6140a70ae564: values don't meet the specifications of the schema(s) in the following chart(s): splunk-otel-collector:
- (root): Additional property bigbang is not allowed**
The chart is located here
Provide any steps possible used to reproduce the error (ideally in an isolated fashion).
Attempt to add a wrapper application and check the {pkg}-values secret in the namespace. To reproduce the exact error install a package protected by a values.schema.json file
BigBang Version
What version of BigBang were you running?
This can be retrieved multiple ways:
# via helm
helm ls -n bigbang
# via the deployed umbrella git tag
kubectl get gitrepository -n bigbang