Team Spike on Storage Class
Multiple customers operating requesting the capability for CAS solutions for on prem deployments. The current recommendation is to leverage the csp csi drivers (ebs, azuredisks, etc...) or vsphere csi drivers. But there's still a gap that needs to be filled for deployments that don't fit that mold, or that still prefer to run their own storage solution.
Research spike to investigate three of the most popular open source solutions that exist:
The spike should include:
- product deployment (can be the recommended way, doesn't need to be bb standards)
- deploying bigbang on top of the cas soln
- measuring performance metrics during deployment and generic use
- demonstrating/testing backup capabilities on one or more BB packages
- testing a RWX deployment ( can be a simple as persistent busybox sharing files )
Collect information and build team competency around the existing CAS landscape to ultimately make a team ADR on what CAS solution BigBang will support and deploy.
Note: the goal is not to decide on a solution OR to build an ADR, simply to data collect.
Details & Methods
Benchmark Results
Product | Random Read/Write IOPS | Average Latency (usec) Read/Write (lower is better) | Sequential Read/Write | Mixed Random Read/Write IOPS |
Longhorn | 6155/1551 BW: 230MiB/s / 96.3MiB/s | 1042.53 | 319MiB/s / 130MiB/s | 3804/1267 |
OpenEBS (jiva) | 2183/770. BW: 76.8MiB/s / 45.8MiB/s | 2059.55 | 132MiB/s / 98.2MiB/s | 1590/533 |
Rook-Ceph | 10700k/3205. BW: 503MiB/s / 148MiB/s | 548.36/s | 496MiB/s / 154MiB/s | 6664/2228 |
- Big Bang compatible
Cloud Agnostic
- Multiple options to support different clouds and on prem designs Docs
Native Backup Tool
- Recommends Valero
Supports RWX
- OpenEBS includes an alpha version of OpenEBS Dynamic NFS provisioner for RWX PVCs Docs
Can be added Ironbank
- 100% Opensource
Airgap Ready
- Requires manual work, no official docs or support
- Extremely flexible with many options to support multiple environments and configurations.
- Full Bigbang install went without issue using OpenEBS with Jiva hostpath storage engine.
- Requires
iSCSI initiator
to be running on all nodes. Docs - RWX solution leaves much to be desired.
- Big Bang compatible
Cloud Agnostic
- Yes, uses host storage drives; must be unmounted block storage: raw disks, drive partitions, LVM, or cloud block storage.
- Native Backup Tool
- Supports RWX
Can be added Ironbank
- 100% Opensource
Airgap Ready
- Requires manual work, no official docs or support
- Can optionally install dashboard to view Rook-Ceph cluster stats and health.
- Very fast
- BB install went smooth without modifications needed
- Big Bang compatible
Cloud Agnostic
- Yes, uses host storage
Native Backup Tool
- Native support for NFS and S3 backups
Supports RWX
- Native support as of 1.1.0 Longhorn RWX Docs
Can be added Ironbank
- 100% Opensource
- Airgap Ready
- Includes GUI for configuration and observability, view PVC replica states, backup state, health stats, and more.
- RWX is now native in 1.1.0, installs out of the box, works great, and does not require a NFS-Provisioner.
- BB install went smooth without modifications needed
- By far the easiest to install!
- Big Bang compatible
Cloud Agnostic
- Yes, uses host storage drives; must be unmounted block storage: raw disks, drive partitions, LVM, or cloud block storage.
Native Backup Tool
- Requires "px-backup" license
- Supports RWX
Can be added Ironbank
- Would require Portworx coordination
- Airgap Ready
- Can install optional Lighthouse dashboard to monitor multiple Portworx clusters
- Requires License
- Not opensource
- Install requires Portworx account