feat: Integrate SonarQube SSO into BigBang
Feature Request
SonarQube can be configured via manifests for SSO integration. To ease customer adoption this should be provided as an option.
Proposed Solution
Keeping in line with the big bang standards, sso support should be added to the values.yaml
as follows:
enabled: false
client_id: # sso clientID example: platform1_a8604cc9-f5e9-4656-802d-d05624370245_bb8-saml-sonarqube
providerName: # login as name example: P1 SSO
certificate: # SAML sso certificate example: MITCAYCBFyIEUjNBkqhkiG9w0BA....
login: # login sso attribute example: login
name: # name sso attribute example: name
email: # email sso attribute example: email
group: # (optional) group sso attribute example: group