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BB-1078 - Integrate umbrella-templates logic into umbrella, and remove umbrella's dependency on umbrella-templates

Zachariah Dzielinski requested to merge BB-1078 into master

Epic - https://jira.il2.dso.mil/browse/BB-1039

Issue - https://jira.il2.dso.mil/browse/BB-1078

The Big Bang Baseline CI Integrations team has decided to move all umbrella-templates logic (that is currently leveraged by umbrella) into umbrella itself. Any content in umbrella-templates that is not currently used by umbrella will not be included in this merge request. This task will require a bit of job restructuring and small logic changes.

To do before merging:

  • Upload all leveraged pipeline-templates container images to umbrella
  • Change pipeline-templates container image references to umbrella's container registry
  • Run entire suite of pipelines (both automatic and manual) several times to success

Currently working on this merge request:

Edited by Zachariah Dzielinski

Merge request reports
