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Resolve "Follow-on Follow-on Docs Design update"

razzle requested to merge 1272-draft-follow-on-follow-on-docs-design-update into master

Closes issue #1272 (closed)

In a further effort to consolidate and streamline docs I propose:

  • move ./Packages.md to docs/packages.md
  • add .pages to each directory in docs that needs nav re-mapping, this allows for mkdocs awesome pages plugin to better build the site navigation. I have code written / some boilerplate in bb-docs v2, but I want to get away from that and consolidate all the docs sources of truth within Big Bang's core repo. This is because mkdocs (and any other docs generator) will use the first # (H1 tag) on a document to build its navigation title; ex: docs/.../sample-prod-config.md will show up as Big Bang Production Configuration on the site navigation when a much better title would be Sample Prod Config.
  • Fix file naming conventions to be lowercase and dash(-) as word separators
  • Fix page titles
  • Restructure docs/understanding-bigbang/package-architecture to bring packages out of individual dirs

For easier viewing of the improved navigation, explore this --> https://bb-docs-compiler.vercel.app/

^ built w/ bb-docs-compiler v2.0

Edited by razzle

Merge request reports
