Argocd update to v2.4.10
Package Merge Request
Package Changes
Package MR
For Issue
BB Processes
Add labels for affected packages so that they are deployed in CI as well as a status label:
Be sure to assign to yourself:
Once it is ready for review switch the status and assign reviewers:
Merge request reports
- A deleted user
added argocd botmr statusreview labels
assigned to @project_2872_bot2
requested review from @micah.nagel, @BrandenCobb, and @ryan.j.garcia
assigned to @echuang
- Resolved by Ernest Chuang
Argo helm tests are that something we can/should fix before merging this @echuang / @BrandenCobb ? I see they passed in the package MR
added statusdoing label and removed statusreview label
added statusreview label and removed statusdoing label
changed milestone to %1.42.0
mentioned in commit 96869601