Twistlock IB image and VS customization (0.0.3-bb.0)
Pointing to Twistlock package version 0.0.3-bb.0
New package version uses Twistlock image version 20.12 from IronBank. Also allows for full modification of Istio VirtualService (labels, annotations, host names, gateways).
Modified twistlock helmrelease template to allow for populating imagePullSecret based on registryCredentials array to support new image from registry1.
Merge request reports
This stood up successfully for me. Do you want to add it to %1.1.0 ?
assigned to @joshwolf
added 61 commits
f4032c93...f7ff634e - 60 commits from branch
- 6982fbc6 - Merge branch 'master' into 'twistlock-0.0.2-bb.3'
f4032c93...f7ff634e - 60 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 2ee496c7 - feat: Twistlock IB image and VS customization
added kindfeature label
added 32 commits
2ee496c7...4d0010b4 - 29 commits from branch
- 9a711490 - feat: Twistlock IB image and VS customization
- 9559c915 - feat: Twistlock IB image and VS customization
- b1ca19ff - feat: Twistlock IB image and VS customization
Toggle commit list-
2ee496c7...4d0010b4 - 29 commits from branch
mentioned in commit 075a655a
mentioned in issue #188 (closed)
mentioned in issue #634 (closed)
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