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# Frequently Asked Questions
## Costs and licensing fees
> Will a user, government program, or support contract incur any costs, other
than their own labor, for installing and using BigBang?
BigBang itself is open-source, and you do not need to pay Platform One
to use it in your environment.
Out baseline includes multiple software components, with a variety
of open-source and commercial licenses. Details of these components and
their licensing models can be found here:
[BigBang Licensing Model Overview](./understanding-bigbang/licensing-model/)
In BigBang 2.0, our default core components will be open source, though paid
alternatives will remain available.
You are in complete control over which components you install in your
environment, and choose whether or not to use commercial software.
However, your AO may require certain commercial applications for a cATO.
> Are users required to set up a "contract" with Platform One in order to
use BigBang?
No. BigBang is open source, and can be used by you and your organization
without payment to Platform One.
Platform One does offer optional hosting and support contracts:
- Our Integration Team helps customers install and operate BigBang on customer
hardware and in customer environments.
- [Party Bus](https://p1.dso.mil/products/party-bus) is a managed environment and
instance of BigBang, which an application can be hosted on. PartyBus removes the
need for you to operate a cluster entirely.
- Finally, our Digital Twin service will deploy an instance of your application to
our testing clusters, so we can ensure that changes to our baseline won't break your
integration tests
TODO: link to BBI sign-up / info
TODO: link to Party Bus sign-up / info
TODO: link to Digital Twin sign-up / info
> Do we need a government PM to send a formal request to Platform One in order
to get started?
No. Big Bang is Open Source, and you do not need our permission to use it.
However, we always like to hear from our users, both to know how large an
impact this effort is making, and to make sure we are addressing our users'
most pressing needs.
TODO: reach out link
## Security
> Is BigBang secure? What about its plugins?
BigBang is compliant with the
[DevSecOps Reference Architecture](https://dodcio.defense.gov/Portals/0/Documents/Library/DoD%20Enterprise%20DevSecOps%20Reference%20Design%20-%20CNCF%20Kubernetes%20w-DD1910_cleared_20211022.pdf),
and is used at all Impact Levels and Classifications. Each IL and classification is
deployed to a separate environment and separate cluster, which keeps them separated.
[IronBank](https://p1.dso.mil/products/iron-bank) performs automated scans of all image
components used in Big Bang, and patches vulnerabilities as they are found. Big Bang
pulls all hardened images from IronBank.
TODO: link to cATO docs
## Deployment
> Can we stand up our own instance of BigBang in AWS GovCloud?
Yes. BigBang strives to be vendor-agnostic, and will run on Cloud One,
AWS GovCloud, Microsoft Azure, on-prem hardware, and in air-gapped
> Do we have to set up a full Kubernetes distribution? Can we just deploy BigBang
> to a VM?
BigBang is, at its core, a Helm chart, which creates templates for Kubernetes
resources. As such, BigBang requires a full K8S environment.
If your organization is unable to support a full K8S environment, you may wish to
consider [Party Bus](https://p1.dso.mil/products/party-bus), which is BigBang's
managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) solution.
## Change Control
> How do you manage change control on BB? How can we be notified of changed?
BigBang has a two-week release cadence. You can view our
[release schedule](https://docs-bigbang.dso.mil/latest/#Navigating-our-documentation),
our [project milestones](https://repo1.dso.mil/groups/big-bang/-/milestones),
and our [release notes](../release-notes/)
for more information.
## Documentation and Briefings
> Can you provide the latest documentation and briefings?
The most up-to-date information on BigBang can be found here:
[BigBang Docs](https://docs-bigbang.dso.mil/latest/docs). These docs
are fully searchable.
An overview of BigBang's architecture, and the packages available, can be found
on the [BigBang Universe](https://universe.bigbang.dso.mil/) page.
It would also be useful to review the
[Understanding BigBang](https://docs-bigbang.dso.mil/latest/docs/understanding-bigbang/?h=understanding+bigbang%2F) page.