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Resolve "Investigate Enabling HorizontalPodAutoscaler Resource in Redis chart by default"

Michael Martin requested to merge 1425-hpa-redis into master

Package Merge Request

Package Changes

  1. The Iron Bank Redis image was updated to fix permissions starting with 7.0.11.
  2. The BB Redis charts were Updated to Redis 7.0.11 and 17.10.2 upstream chart.
  3. With the BB Redis chart update, replica.autoscaling.enabled now defaults to true in order to enable HPA.
  4. anchore-enterprise / argocd / authservice were updated to use the new Redis helm charts -- 17.10.2-bb.0
  5. bigbang is updated to pull in the new charts for anchore-enterprise / argocd / authservice
  6. bigbang is updated to disable the redis autoscaling in test-values.yaml where it also disabled any replicas to achieve the same behavior.

Package MR


big-bang/product/packages/anchore-enterprise!151 (merged)

big-bang/product/packages/argocd!135 (merged)

big-bang/product/packages/authservice!106 (merged)

For Issue

Closes #1425 (closed)

Edited by Michael Martin

Merge request reports
