elasticsearchKibana update to 1.6.1-bb.1
Package Merge Request
Package Changes
Fix Cypress test to work in BB pipeline
Package MR
big-bang/product/packages/elasticsearch-kibana!156 (merged) big-bang/product/packages/elasticsearch-kibana!154 (merged)
For Issue
Closes big-bang/product/packages/elasticsearch-kibana#90 (closed)
Merge request reports
- A deleted user
added botmr elasticsearchKibana fluentbit statusreview labels
assigned to @jaredmladner
mentioned in merge request !3355 (closed)
requested review from @chris.oconnell, @ryan.j.garcia, @michaelmartin, and @ryan.thompson.44
@rgsjustins @andrewshoell : You have been tagged in this merge request for the purpose of conducting secondary review.
@ryan.j.garcia @chris.oconnell this should fix Elasticsearch/Kibana Cypress Tests failing in BB pipelines.
changed milestone to %2.15.0
mentioned in commit 72d494c0