version updates for release 2.14.0
Cherry-picking release-2.14.x into master
Merge request reports
assigned to @daniel.dides
requested review from @daniel.dides
requested review from @chris.oconnell and @ryan.j.garcia and removed review request for @daniel.dides
@daniel.dides This merge request is unlabelled and not marked as draft. Please add one or more labels.
To mark as draft prefix this merge request title with
If this merge request is ready for review remove
and label statusreviewMR Title Keywords
To easily adjust the pipeline behavior without a commit, keywords can be placed in the title of Merge Requests.
Supported keywords:
-- Enables debug mode. This will set -x in shell scripts so each command is printed before it runs, and dumps information such as the networking configuration (virtual services, gateways, dns, /etc/hosts files), cluster information (kustomize, cluster resources, memory and cpu usage), and dumps the cluster logs. -
-- Skips the upgrade test stage of a pipeline. -
-- Skips the check in the configuration validation stage to see if the chart version was incremented. -
-- Skips the integration stage which is used in the third-party and sandbox pipelines.
MR Labels
Similar to the MR title keywords described above, gitlab labels can be added to Merge Requests to adjust CI pipeline behavior.
Labels for BigBang MRs
- all-packages -- Enables all BigBang packages. This will typically cause the cluster to run slower due to the increased resource usage, so it can be helpful in making sure any timeouts you've set aren't too short or check for any conflicts between packages, etc.
-- Adding a package name as a label will enable that package. - test-ciinfra -- Add stages to provision and destroy the cloud infrastructure where the tests will run.
Labels for BigBang and package MRs
- test-cirelease -- Test the release CI, which includes the package and release stages.
- disable-ci -- Disables all pipeline runs.
- kinddocs -- For MRs with only document changes. Won't run any pipelines.
- skip-bb-mr -- Will skip the auto-creation of a merge request into BigBang.
added needs-labels label
added statusreview label
removed needs-labels label
changed milestone to %2.15.0
mentioned in commit dc71d4bd