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metricsServer update to 3.10.0-bb.3

mr-bot requested to merge update-metrics-server-tag-3.10.0-bb.3 into master

Package Merge Request

Package Changes

The Package MR includes a default value modification in chart/values.yaml to disable API token auto-mounting for the metrics-server ServiceAccount.

This essentially means that Pods leveraging the metrics-server ServiceAccount, by default, will not have access to their Kubernetes API token (previously mounted at /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token).

Since this package deals with the Kubernetes API heavily - the metrics-server Pod will override this behavior at the Pod spec-level here. As such, a Kyverno policy exception will be made for this Pod.

My testing of the package according to DEVELOPMENT_MAINTENANCE.md has shown no loss of functionality, pipelines have passed, and a codeowner has signed off on the changes.

This is in support of epic &146.


Also contains a minor version bump to registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/opensource/kubernetes/kubectl:v1.28.3 to knock out the Renovate issue.

Package MR

big-bang/product/packages/metrics-server!33 (merged)

For Issue

Closes big-bang/product/packages/metrics-server#22 (closed)

Closes https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/metrics-server/-/issues/24

Edited by Justen Mehl

Merge request reports
