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keycloak update to 2.4.3-bb.0

BB_AUTO_MR_TOKEN requested to merge update-keycloak-tag-2.4.3-bb.0 into master

Package Merge Request

Package Changes


Package MR

big-bang/product/packages/keycloak!240 (merged)

For Issue

Closes big-bang/product/packages/keycloak#204 (closed)

Upgrade Notices

This is a major version upgrade from 24.0.5 -> 25.0.1

If utilizing the Platform One custom Keycloak Plugin, you must update to the registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/bigbang/p1keycloakplugin:3.5.0 image in addons.keycloak.values.extraInitContainers.

Many Keycloak configuration environment variables are now conditionally defined directly in chart/templates/statefulset.yaml. If you were previously passing these via addons.keycloak.values.extraEnv you will need to switch to the updated values (if the defaults are not acceptable) to avoid duplicate environment variables and related helm upgrade failures.

Changes include:

Config option New values path Default
KC_HTTP_RELATIVE_PATH .Values.http.relativePath /auth
KC_CACHE .Values.cache.stack ispn
KC_CACHE_STACK .Values.cache.stack kubernetes
KC_PROXY_HEADERS .Values.proxy.mode forwarded
KC_HTTP_ENABLED .Values.proxy.http.enabled true

KC_PROXY config option is deprecated and should no longer be passed. See release notes for more information.

KC_HOSTNAME_STRICT_HTTPS config option has been removed. See upgrade guide for more information.

Edited by Samuel Sarnowski

Merge request reports