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Draft: elasticsearchKibana update to 1.20.0-bb.0

Package Merge Request

Package Changes


Package MR

big-bang/product/packages/elasticsearch-kibana!309 (merged)

For Issue

Closes big-bang/product/packages/elasticsearch-kibana#215

Upgrade Notices

Taken from the PrometheusElasticExporter README.md on upgrading to 6.0.0 and adapted for Big Bang elasticsearchkibana package (link doc).

To 6.0.0

In release 6.0, the chart API version has been increased to v2. From now on, the chart supports Helm 3 only.

The minimum Kubernetes version supported by the chart has been raised to 1.19.

Labels and selectors have been replaced following Helm 3 label and annotation best practices:

Previous Current
app app.kubernetes.io/name
chart helm.sh/chart
[none] app.kubernetes.io/version
heritage app.kubernetes.io/managed-by
release app.kubernetes.io/instance

Important: As the change is affecting immutable selector labels, the deployment must be deleted before upgrading the release. The below command assumes that the Elasticsearch-Kibana package is is deployed in the default Big Bang logging namespace for Elasticsearch-Kibana, one should look to confirm the namespace of their Elasticsearch-Kibana e.g.:

kubectl delete deploy -l app=metrics -n logging

Once the resources have been deleted, you can upgrade the release.

Edited by Kirby Liu

Merge request reports