#2291 : Remove cmdarg dependency
General MR
Since there has been some controversy over how to manage a bash script with a dependency, this removes the dependency. The cmdarg library dependency has been removed and all argument parsing is now done with only shell builtins.
The code is significantly more verbose, but accomplishes the same goals.
Relevant logs/screenshots
$ bash ./docs/assets/scripts/quickstart.sh -h
quickstart.sh (C) 2025 : PlatformOne Big Bang team
PlatformOne Big Bang quickstart : Quickly deploy a development bigbang cluster on a VM
Optional Arguments:
-H,--host v : String. IP or Hostname of the VM to operate on
-P,--privateip v : String. If your VM has a separate private IP in addition to the public host, provide it here
-U,--username v : String. Username to use when SSHing into the target VM
-K,--keyfile v : String. SSH Key file to use when SSHing into the target VM
-V,--version v : String. Big Bang version to deploy (Default "latest")
-v,--pipeline-templates-version v : String. Version of the bigbang pipeline-templates to use (Default "master")
-R,--repolocation v : String. Location on your host filesystem where bigbang should be checked out (Default "/Users/andrewkesterson/tmp/repo1.dso.m
-u,--registry1-username v : String. Username for your account on registry1.dso.mil (Default "AndrewKesterson")
-t,--registry1-token v : String. Access token for your account on registry1.dso.mil (Default "LLz4FHQAL8jFLAR5e5rCSa26UOgujnvE")
-c,--cloud-provider v : String. If using cloud provisioning, which cloud provider should be used (Default "aws")
-m,--metallb : Boolean. Deploy a MetalLB on k3d
-p,--provision : Boolean. Provision the k3d cluster (implied)
-d,--deploy : Boolean. Deploy bigbang (implied)
-w,--wait : Boolean. Wait for bigbang (implied by --deploy)
-D,--destroy : Boolean. Destroy any previously created quickstart instance(s) created by this tool. (Disables -p, -d, -w)
Script performance appears to be unchanged. I've only lightly tested this. But the logic is unchanged, only the variables used to store command flags. I'm able to quickstart an AWS instance, haven't checked self-hosted yet, but should be same.
To access your kubernetes cluster via kubectl, export this variable in your shell:
export KUBECONFIG=/Users/andrewkesterson/.kube/Andrew.Kesterson-dev-quickstart-config
To access your kubernetes cluster in your browser, add this line to your hosts file: kiali.dev.bigbang.mil grafana.dev.bigbang.mil alertmanager.dev.bigbang.mil prometheus.dev.bigbang.mil neuvector.dev.bigbang.mil tracing.dev.bigbang.mil
To SSH to the instance running your cluster, use this command:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/Andrew.Kesterson-dev-quickstart.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentitiesOnly=yes ubuntu@
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