Draft: Resolve "Provide tooling to migrate an active cluster from Operator Istio to Helm Istio."
requested to merge 2283-provide-tooling-to-migrate-an-active-cluster-from-operator-istio-to-helm-istio into master
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Before upgrading to version 3.0 of Big Bang with the new Helm-based Istio packages, we first need to disable Istio and Istio's Operator packages in our 2.x deployment of Big Bang. We do this by disabling the two obsolete [Istio packages in our Gitops configuration](https://repo1.dso.mil/kipten/template/-/blob/main/package-strategy/configmap.yaml?ref_type=heads#L18-22).
After a few minutes, all pods in both the `istio-system` and `istio-operator` namespaces should have terminated. However, due due to Istio's finalizer, it's likely that the `istio-system` namespace will be stuck in the `terminating` state. We can force the deletion of this namespace with the following:
Both namespaces are now removed yet other remnants of Istio still linger in the cluster including custom resources. These also need to be removed as they will be re-instantiated via the helm deployment of Istio. There are various methods to accomplish this feat, but by far the easiest way to do this is by using the [istioctl CLI tool](https://istio.io/latest/docs/ops/diagnostic-tools/istioctl/).
Enabling the Helm based version of Istio entails enabling the `istioCore` package that provides both the `istio-base` and `istiod` charts. The `istioGatewayPublic` package provides the default ingress gateway for most packages and the `istioGatewayPassthrough` provides a secondary non-TLS gated gateway for specific apps that require this like Keycloak.
This simple bash script will iterate through all of Big Bang managed Helm release and prompt `flux` to [reconcile](https://fluxcd.io/flux/cmd/flux_reconcile_helmrelease) each HR one at a time waiting for them to complete. Typically, this can be useful when managing a Gitops deployment of Big Bang during upgrades or when helm and its dependencies get out of sync.
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