Work in progress umbrella package
Iron Bank Images
Per the Charter, all Big Bang packages will leverage container images from IronBank. In order to pull these images, ImagePullSecrets must be provided to BigBang. For developers to obtain access to the images, follow the guides below. These steps should NOT be used for production since the API keys for a user are only valid when the user is logged into Registry1
- Register for a free Ironbank account Here
- Log into the Iron Bank Registry and follow the directions Here for obtaining your API keys.
- When installing BigBang, set the Helm Values
to match your Registry1 username and API token
The following examples expect a cluster with fluxv2 preinstalled. This can be done by installing the flux cli and running flux install
. (TODO: Convert to IB images).
Simple Quickstart
A bare mininmum, simple quickstart is provided under ./examples/simple
kubectl apply -f examples/simple
Complete Example
While simple to use, Big Bang also allows full flexibility in configuring individual packages, using encrypted secrets, and deploying to multiple environments with the same configuration base.
See the readme for more information.
Developers can use the Developer Setup to faciliate a local setup for developing improvements to Big Bang.