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Remove EKS cloudwatch group creation

Christopher O'Connell requested to merge eks-pipeline-maintenance into master

General MR


The EKS pipeline creates a cloudwatch group for EKS control plane cluster logs. This sometimes leads to issues. If the log group doesn't cleanup the next pipeline will attempt to create the log group with the same name for the same git commit. This fails because the log group already exists. This MR contains the following changes:

  • Disabled cloudwatch log group creation using the EKS module inputs.
  • Bump cluster version in env specific folders to 1.27 for EKS version
  • Ran terraform format to format the .tf files

Relevant logs/screenshots

Screenshots below show the cloudwatch log group does not create while the cluster created successfully with Active status. Additional pipeline link provided here

Screenshot_2023-12-27_at_1.38.17_PM Screenshot_2023-12-27_at_1.38.25_PM

Edited by Christopher O'Connell

Merge request reports