# helm-docs renders these comments into markdown. Use markdown formatting where
# appropiate.
# -- The number of Crossplane pod `replicas` to deploy.
# -- The number of Crossplane ReplicaSets to retain.
revisionHistoryLimit: null
# -- The deployment strategy for the Crossplane and RBAC Manager pods.
# -- The Crossplane image tag. Defaults to the value of `appVersion` in `Chart.yaml`.
# -- The image pull policy used for Crossplane and RBAC Manager pods.
# -- Add `nodeSelectors` to the Crossplane pod deployment.
# -- Add `tolerations` to the Crossplane pod deployment.
# -- Add `affinities` to the Crossplane pod deployment.
# -- Add `topologySpreadConstraints` to the Crossplane pod deployment.
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# -- Enable `hostNetwork` for the Crossplane deployment. Caution: enabling `hostNetwork` grants the Crossplane Pod access to the host network namespace. Consider setting `dnsPolicy` to `ClusterFirstWithHostNet`.
# -- Specify the `dnsPolicy` to be used by the Crossplane pod.
dnsPolicy: ""
# -- Add custom `labels` to the Crossplane pod deployment.
# -- Add custom `annotations` to the Crossplane pod deployment.
# -- Add custom `annotations` to the Crossplane ServiceAccount.
# -- Enable [leader election]( for the Crossplane pod.
# -- Add custom arguments to the Crossplane pod.
# -- A list of Configuration packages to install.
# -- A list of Function packages to install
packages: []
# -- The imagePullSecret names to add to the Crossplane ServiceAccount.
# -- The ConfigMap name containing a custom CA bundle to enable fetching packages from registries with unknown or untrusted certificates.
name: ""
# -- The ConfigMap key containing a custom CA bundle to enable fetching packages from registries with unknown or untrusted certificates.
key: ""
# -- Configure annotations on the service object. Only enabled when webhooks.enabled = true
customAnnotations: {}
# -- Enable webhooks for Crossplane and installed Provider packages.
# -- Deploy the RBAC Manager pod and its required roles.
# -- Don't install aggregated Crossplane ClusterRoles.
# -- The number of RBAC Manager pod `replicas` to deploy.
# -- The number of RBAC Manager ReplicaSets to retain.
revisionHistoryLimit: null
# -- Enable [leader election]( for the RBAC Manager pod.
# -- Add custom arguments to the RBAC Manager pod.
# -- Add `nodeSelectors` to the RBAC Manager pod deployment.
# -- Add `tolerations` to the RBAC Manager pod deployment.
# -- Add `affinities` to the RBAC Manager pod deployment.
# -- Add `topologySpreadConstraints` to the RBAC Manager pod deployment.
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# -- The PriorityClass name to apply to the Crossplane and RBAC Manager pods.
priorityClassName: ""
# -- CPU resource limits for the Crossplane pod.
# -- Memory resource limits for the Crossplane pod.
# -- CPU resource requests for the Crossplane pod.
# -- Memory resource requests for the Crossplane pod.
# -- Enable `allowPrivilegeEscalation` for the Crossplane pod.
# -- Set the Crossplane pod root file system as read-only.
# -- Set to `Memory` to hold the package cache in a RAM backed file system. Useful for Crossplane development.
# -- The size limit for the package cache. If medium is `Memory` the `sizeLimit` can't exceed Node memory.
# -- The name of a PersistentVolumeClaim to use as the package cache. Disables the default package cache `emptyDir` Volume.
# -- The name of a ConfigMap to use as the package cache. Disables the default package cache `emptyDir` Volume.
configMap: ""
# -- CPU resource limits for the RBAC Manager pod.
# -- Memory resource limits for the RBAC Manager pod.
# -- CPU resource requests for the RBAC Manager pod.
# -- Memory resource requests for the RBAC Manager pod.
# -- The group ID used by the RBAC Manager pod.
# -- Enable `allowPrivilegeEscalation` for the RBAC Manager pod.
# -- Set the RBAC Manager pod root file system as read-only.
# -- Enable Prometheus path, port and scrape annotations and expose port 8080 for both the Crossplane and RBAC Manager pods.
# -- Add custom environmental variables to the Crossplane pod deployment.
# Replaces any `.` in a variable name with `_`. For example, `SAMPLE.KEY=value1` becomes `SAMPLE_KEY=value1`.
# -- Add custom environmental variables to the RBAC Manager pod deployment.
# Replaces any `.` in a variable name with `_`. For example, `SAMPLE.KEY=value1` becomes `SAMPLE_KEY=value1`.
# -- Add a custom `securityContext` to the Crossplane pod.
# -- Add a custom `securityContext` to the RBAC Manager pod.
# -- Add custom `volumes` to the Crossplane pod.
# -- Add custom `volumeMounts` to the Crossplane pod.
# -- To add arbitrary Kubernetes Objects during a Helm Install
extraObjects: []
# - apiVersion:
# kind: ControllerConfig
# metadata:
# name: aws-config
# annotations:
# arn:aws:iam::123456789101:role/example
# post-install
# spec:
# podSecurityContext:
# fsGroup: 2000
enabled: false
# -- Default Crossplane peer authentication
# -- STRICT = Allow only mutual TLS traffic,
# PERMISSIVE = Allow both plain text and mutual TLS traffic
mode: STRICT