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Redis bb package

brandt keller requested to merge redis_bb_package into main


Replace the existing redis orchestration with the BB approved package. Repo Link


kpt is not used to sync existing bb packages that are used as dependencies - rather renovate watches for git-tags on the repo and generates draft MR's through automation whenever the bb redis package is updated. The current renovate logic incuded in this MR is a stub, as it only runs against the main branch and requires merging before testing can really be done. Given that is out of scope for this issue, I'll file a future issue if we wish to implement renovate logic.

Rapidfort is currently requiring auth to be disabled on redis. Not optimal but noted for future improvements.

Redis can be implemented in standalone or replication architectures for redundency/failover. Starting with standalone for feature parity.

Edited by brandt keller

Merge request reports
