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Revert "Resolve "Set required labels for kiali""

Wyatt Fry requested to merge revert-previous-kiali-label-changes into main

General MR


Reverts old Kiali label MR in prep of new strategy

Relevant logs/screenshots

Per the redis dev maintenance instructions, i packaged the redis chart from this branch where i reverted the old kiali label changes, then in authservice, made a new branch and copied the packaged redis into the authservice chart. Redis deployed successfully, here's terminal output showing the test branch on authservice:

❯ flux get sources git authservice -n bigbang
NAME            REVISION                                SUSPENDED       READY   MESSAGE
authservice     test-redis-kiali-labels@sha1:77d49313   False           True    stored artifact for revision 'test-redis-kiali-labels@sha1:77d49313'

Here's output showing all redis workloads have the required labels:

❯ k get deploy,sts,ds,po -L app.kubernetes.io/name,app.kubernetes.io/version
NAME                          READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE    NAME          VERSION
deployment.apps/authservice   2/2     2            2           144m   authservice   1.0.2

NAME                                                         READY   AGE    NAME       VERSION
statefulset.apps/authservice-authservice-redis-bb-master     1/1     144m   redis-bb   7.4.0
statefulset.apps/authservice-authservice-redis-bb-replicas   0/0     144m   redis-bb   7.4.0

NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE    NAME          VERSION
pod/authservice-6856584ddb-9djnp                2/2     Running   2 (144m ago)   144m   authservice
pod/authservice-6856584ddb-sf7lz                2/2     Running   3 (144m ago)   144m   authservice
pod/authservice-authservice-redis-bb-master-0   3/3     Running   0              144m   redis-bb      7.4.0

Linked Issue

#104 (closed)

Upgrade Notices


Edited by Wyatt Fry

Merge request reports
