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disabled redisSecretInit by default

Nigel Bazzeghin requested to merge nigel-test-branch into main

General MR


Smoke tests were failing after the argocd chart upgrade. This disabled the newly added redisSecretInit by default. The issue was kyverno was blocking the secret init pod from starting, which caused the argocd deployment to fail.

Relevant logs/screenshots

I0527 16:14:50.266462       1 event_broadcaster.go:338] "Event occurred" object="require-non-root-group" kind="ClusterPolicy" apiVersion="kyverno.io/v1" type="Warning" reason="PolicyViolation" action="Resource Blocked" note="Pod argocd/argocd-argocd-redis-secret-init-8f5zz: [run-as-group] fail (blocked); validation failure: validation error: runAsGroup must be set to an id > 0 in either spec.securityContext.runAsGroup or (spec.containers[*].securityContext.runAsGroup, spec.initContainers[*].securityContext.runAsGroup, and spec.ephemeralContainers[*].securityContext.runAsGroup). rule run-as-group[0] failed at path /securityContext/runAsGroup/"

Test MR: big-bang/bigbang!4409 (closed)

Linked Issue

#171 (closed)

Upgrade Notices


Edited by Nigel Bazzeghin

Merge request reports