Added the ability to control k3d clusters, and to deploy flux and bigbang to your cluster
General MR
This MR improves the developer experience for bigbang by moving common operations into the bbctl command line tool, creating a unified interface to the platform. Specifically, this MR abstracts away the usage of the script, the install_flux script, and the initial helm bigbang deployment, into bbctl commands.
This MR adds several new commands to bbctl:
bbctl k3d create
bbctl k3d destroy
bbctl k3d shellprofile
bbctl k3d ssh
bbctl k3d hosts
bbctl deploy flux
bbctl deploy bigbang
This simplifies your workflow in dev and will allow us to simplify the onboarding documentation. Now, to get a k3d cluster up running bigbang:
export BIG_BANG_REPO=/your/repo/location
export BIG_BANG_CREDENTIAL_HELPER=/your/credential/helper
bbctl k3d create
# source your shell profile for kubectl(works in bash, might need adjustment in others)
eval $(bbctl k3d shellprofile)
bbctl deploy flux
bbctl deploy bigbang
BigBang Credential Helper
The deploy command expect the presence of a credential helper that is an executable program that conforms to the following interface:
CREDENTIAL_HELPER <TARGET_URI> [username|password]
... where TARGET_URI is a URI (like The credential helper's job is to provide the username or password (as requested) for the target uri on standard output (no trailing newline). Return codes are currently ignored. It is up to the user to provide this credential helper. We can improve later or ship a default or something. This opens the way for us to manage other credentials in the future. The credential helper can be provided by the --big-bang-credential-helper flag or the BIG_BANG_CREDENTIAL_HELPER environment variable. Here is an intentionally primitive example of it working:
$ cat ~/bin/
if [[ "$1" == "" ]]; then
if [[ "$2" == "username" ]]; then
echo -n "AndrewKesterson"
elif [[ "$2" == "password" ]]; then
echo -n "*****"
$ ./bbctl deploy flux
Creating flux-system namespace so that the docker-registry secret can be added first.
... output snipped, but we can see the credential provider working, otherwise the username would not have been provided to the install_flux script. The credential helper can be smart enough to interact with password managers, yaml files, whatever - but that's outside of bbctl's scope, we just need the credentials.
If no credential helper is provided, you are given a useful error
$ ./bbctl deploy flux
2024/03/29 06:28:01 No credential helper defined
BigBang Repository Location
The big bang repo must be checked out somewhere in order for the k3d-dev script to be executed, and for flux and bigbang to be deployed. This can be provided by the --big-bang-repo flag or the BIG_BANG_REPO environment variable.
If you do not provide the repo location, you are given a useful error
$ ./bbctl deploy bigbang
2024/03/29 06:29:03 No big bang repository path defined
There are no tests for this yet. I'm not familiar enough with golang's test suite yet to write tests here.
Relevant logs/screenshots
(Include any relevant logs/screenshots)
Linked Issue
No linked issue, this is something came up during my onboarding and was the outgrowth of an IL2 mattermost discussion
Upgrade Notices