Update Ironbank
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- Christopher Nowicki authored
+ 1
− 1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ BigBang makes modifications to the upstream helm chart. The full list of changes
1. Read release notes from upstream [Gitlab Releases](https://about.gitlab.com/releases/categories/releases/). Be aware of changes that are included in the upgrade, you can find those by [comparing the current and new revision](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab/-/compare?from=master&to=master). Take note of any manual upgrade steps that customers might need to perform, if any.
1. Do diff of [upstream chart](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab) between old and new release tags to become aware of any significant chart changes. A graphical diff tool such as [Meld](https://meldmerge.org/) is useful. You can see where the current helm chart came from by inspecting `/chart/Kptfile`.
1. Create a development branch and merge request tied to the Repo1 issue created for the Gitlab package upgrade. The association between the branch and the issue can be made by prefixing the branch name with the issue number, e.g. `56-update-gitlab-package`. DO NOT create a branch if working `renovate/ironbank`. Continue edits on `renovate/ironbank`.
1. From the root of this repository, sync the BigBang Gitlab package chart with the upstream Gitlab chart using `kpt pkg update chart@<target version> --strategy alpha-git-patch`. Please note that `kpt` > v1.0.0 does *NOT* support this update strategy, and the latest `kpt` version that does is `0.39.2`.
1. From the root of this repository, sync the BigBang Gitlab package chart with the upstream Gitlab chart using `kpt pkg update chart@<target version> --strategy alpha-git-patch`. Please note that `kpt` > v1.0.0 does *NOT* support this update strategy, and the latest `kpt` version that does is `0.39.2`. If you encounter any issue with `kpt` trying to retrieve the new chart, you may need to clear the `kpt` cache by running `rm -rf ~/.kpt/*`
1. Resolve any conflicts that may occur during the `kpt pkg update` process. A graphical diff tool like [Meld](https://meldmerge.org/) is useful. Reference the "Modifications made to upstream chart" section below. Be careful not to overwrite Big Bang Package changes that need to be kept. Note that some files will have combinations of changes that you will overwrite and changes that you keep. Stay alert. The hardest file to update is the `/chart/values.yaml` because the changes are many and complicated. Once conflicts have been resolved, use `git add` to add the files with resolved conflicts before running `git am --continue` to proceed.