Renovate Harbor images manually
Renovate bot is not creating issues/MRs for Harbor. Renovate images and chart. Check images in Chart.yaml for new versions in IB.
Currently supported Big Bang Version is 2.48
Renovate bot is not creating issues/MRs for Harbor. Renovate images and chart. Check images in Chart.yaml for new versions in IB.
set weight to 2
changed iteration to Big Bang Iterations Oct 3, 2023 - Oct 16, 2023
assigned to @obuh.alozie
unassigned @obuh.alozie
assigned to @obuh.alozie
added statusdoing label
mentioned in merge request !45 (merged)
added statusreview label and removed statusdoing label
removed iteration Big Bang Iterations Oct 3, 2023 - Oct 16, 2023
changed iteration to Big Bang Iterations Oct 17, 2023 - Oct 30, 2023
mentioned in merge request big-bang/bigbang!3331 (merged)
closed with merge request big-bang/bigbang!3331 (merged)
mentioned in commit big-bang/bigbang@d6bf3784