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add serviceentry, update values with customserviceentries, remove...

Tim Seagren requested to merge 80-istio-sidecar into main

General MR


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Linked Issue


Upgrade Notices

A Sidecar resource has been added to the Kiali namespace that disallows egress to endpoints that are not part of the Istio service registry (a.k.a REGISTRY_ONLY). The outboundTrafficPolicy.mode in the Sidecar can be configured, however, to be something other than REGISTRY_ONLY if desired by setting istio.hardened.outboundTrafficPolicyMode. This provides a redundant layer of network security in addition to NetworkPolicies. This Sidecar is disabled by default but can be enabled by setting istio.enabled: true and istio.hardened.enabled: true.

Additionally, custom ServiceEntries can be created by populating the istio.hardened.customServiceEntries list.

BB Processes

Add labels for affected packages so that they are deployed in CI as well as a status label:

Be sure to assign to yourself: @seagren.tim

Once it is ready for review switch the status and assign reviewers:

place label status::review

Relates #80 (closed)

Edited by Ryan Garcia

Merge request reports