Wait script in Gluon
General MR
Utilize the centralized wait script logic that lives in Gluon for checking deployment success.
Relevant logs/screenshots
(Include any relevant logs/screenshots)
Linked Issue
big-bang/bigbang#2226 (closed)
Upgrade Notices
Merge request reports
added statusdoing teamPipelines & Infrastructure labels
assigned to @alieberman
added 7 commits
ef281f48...c1598874 - 6 commits from branch
- ba0f00c4 - Version bump and update for wait job
ef281f48...c1598874 - 6 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 184d175f - Version bump and update to wait job template
requested review from @alieberman
removed review request for @alieberman
requested review from @kylegalloway-seed, @stephen.galamb, @kipten, @ronwerth, and @wyatt.fry
requested review from @lgomez2
added 4 commits
184d175f...dbe12c05 - 2 commits from branch
- 2c3aef58 - Merge branch 'main' of https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/kiali into wait-script
- 6223e86c - Version bump
184d175f...dbe12c05 - 2 commits from branch
added statusreview label and removed statusdoing label
requested review from @jimmy.bourque
added 9 commits
51a9c941...de086d40 - 8 commits from branch
- 0d2df899 - Version bump
51a9c941...de086d40 - 8 commits from branch
reset approvals from @lgomez2 by pushing to the branch
Hey @lgomez2 do you mind reviewing/approving again? I had to fix merge conflicts on this MR
mentioned in commit eca6f607
mentioned in merge request big-bang/bigbang!5154 (merged)