Evidence collection
Release notes
Please see the repo documentation for additional info on this package.
- Updated registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/opensource/mattermost/mattermost (source) 10.5.1 -> 10.6.1
If you are using the artifacts from this release, please note that you may need to install some dependencies. It is recommended to check the architecture document for this package under Big Bang's charter for the most accurate info about what may be required. The dependencies used in CI are:
Evidence collection
Release notes
Please see the repo documentation for additional info on this package.
- ironbank/opensource/kubernetes/kubectl updated from v1.30.10 to v1.30.11
If you are using the artifacts from this release, please note that you may need to install some dependencies. It is recommended to check the architecture document for this package under Big Bang's charter for the most accurate info about what may be required. The dependencies used in CI are:
Evidence collection
Release notes
Please see the repo documentation for additional info on this package.
- added namespace-labels to test/dependencies.yaml
If you are using the artifacts from this release, please note that you may need to install some dependencies. It is recommended to check the architecture document for this package under Big Bang's charter for the most accurate info about what may be required. The dependencies used in CI are:
Evidence collection
Release notes
Please see the repo documentation for additional info on this package.
- minio-instance updated from 6.0.4 to 7.0.0
- ironbank/opensource/minio/operator-sidecar updated from v6.0.2 to v7.0.0
- Updated registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/opensource/minio/mc to RELEASE.2025-01-17T23-25-50Z
If you are using the artifacts from this release, please note that you may need to install some dependencies. It is recommended to check the architecture document for this package under Big Bang's charter for the most accurate info about what may be required. The dependencies used in CI are:
Evidence collection
Release notes
Please see the repo documentation for additional info on this package.
- ironbank/opensource/mattermost/mattermost updated from 10.4.1 to 10.4.2
If you are using the artifacts from this release, please note that you may need to install some dependencies. It is recommended to check the architecture document for this package under Big Bang's charter for the most accurate info about what may be required. The dependencies used in CI are:
Evidence collection
Release notes
Please see the repo documentation for additional info on this package.
- Updated registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/opensource/mattermost/mattermost 10.2.0 -> 10.4.1
- Updated Gluon 0.5.12 -> 0.5.14
- Updated registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/opensource/kubernetes/kubectl v1.30.7 -> v1.30.9
- Updated registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/opensource/postgres/postgresql 16.2 -> 17.2
If you are using the artifacts from this release, please note that you may need to install some dependencies. It is recommended to check the architecture document for this package under Big Bang's charter for the most accurate info about what may be required. The dependencies used in CI are:
Evidence collection
Release notes
Please see the repo documentation for additional info on this package.
- Updated registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/opensource/kubernetes/kubectl v1.30.6 -> v1.30.7
- Updated registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/opensource/postgres/postgresql12 12.20 -> 12.22
If you are using the artifacts from this release, please note that you may need to install some dependencies. It is recommended to check the architecture document for this package under Big Bang's charter for the most accurate info about what may be required. The dependencies used in CI are:
Evidence collection
Release notes
Please see the repo documentation for additional info on this package.
- Updated Gluon from 0.5.9 to 0.5.12
- Added default labels for Minio to _helpers.tpl
- Updated logic under podTemplate section to ensure default Kubernetes labels are always present
If you are using the artifacts from this release, please note that you may need to install some dependencies. It is recommended to check the architecture document for this package under Big Bang's charter for the most accurate info about what may be required. The dependencies used in CI are:
Evidence collection
Release notes
Please see the repo documentation for additional info on this package.
- Revert default database settings to usage of the builtin bitnami database
If you are using the artifacts from this release, please note that you may need to install some dependencies. It is recommended to check the architecture document for this package under Big Bang's charter for the most accurate info about what may be required. The dependencies used in CI are:
Evidence collection
Release notes
Please see the repo documentation for additional info on this package.
- removed builtin bitnami postgresql module from default test values and documentation instructions
- enabled usage of RDS instances inside of Big Bang CI package pipelines
If you are using the artifacts from this release, please note that you may need to install some dependencies. It is recommended to check the architecture document for this package under Big Bang's charter for the most accurate info about what may be required. The dependencies used in CI are:
- mattermostoperator https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/mattermost-operator.git
- miniooperator https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/minio-operator.git
- bigbang_ci null