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Version: 37.27.0 AppVersion: 37.27.0

Universal dependency update tool that fits into your workflows.

Homepage: https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate


Add Helm repository

helm repo add renovate https://docs.renovatebot.com/helm-charts
helm repo update

Install Renovate chart

Using config from a file:

helm install --generate-name --set-file renovate.config=config.json renovate/renovate

Using config from a string:

helm install --generate-name --set renovate.config='\{\"token\":\"...\"\}' renovate/renovate

NOTE: renovate.config must be a valid Renovate self-hosted configuration


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the chart and the default values.


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Configure the pod(Anti)Affinity and/or node(Anti)Affinity
apiVersionOverrides.cronjob string "" String to override apiVersion of cronjob rendered by this helm chart
cronjob.activeDeadlineSeconds string "" Deadline for the job to finish
cronjob.annotations object {} Annotations to set on the cronjob
cronjob.concurrencyPolicy string "" "Allow" to allow concurrent runs, "Forbid" to skip new runs if a previous run is still running or "Replace" to replace the previous run
cronjob.failedJobsHistoryLimit string "" Amount of failed jobs to keep in history
cronjob.initContainers list [] Additional initContainers that can be executed before renovate
cronjob.jobBackoffLimit string "" Number of times to retry an errored job before considering it as being failed
cronjob.jobRestartPolicy string "Never" Set to Never to restart the job when the pod fails or to OnFailure to restart when a container fails
cronjob.labels object {} Labels to set on the cronjob
cronjob.preCommand string "" Prepend shell commands before renovate runs
cronjob.postCommand string "" Append shell commands after renovate runs
cronjob.schedule string "0 1 * * *" Schedules the job to run using cron notation
cronjob.startingDeadlineSeconds string "" Deadline to start the job, skips execution if job misses it's configured deadline
cronjob.successfulJobsHistoryLimit string "" Amount of completed jobs to keep in history
cronjob.suspend bool false If it is set to true, all subsequent executions are suspended. This setting does not apply to already started executions.
cronJob.timeZone string "" You can specify a time zone for a CronJob by setting timeZone to the name of a valid time zone. (starting with k8s 1.27) https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/cron-jobs/#time-zones
cronjob.ttlSecondsAfterFinished string """ Time to keep the job after it finished before automatically deleting it
env object {} Environment variables to set on the renovate container
envFrom list [] Environment variables to add from existing secrets/configmaps. Uses the keys as variable name
envList list [] Additional env. Helpful too if you want to use anything other than a value source.
existingSecret string "" k8s secret to reference environment variables from. Overrides secrets if set
extraConfigmaps list [] Additional configmaps. A generated configMap name is: "renovate.fullname" + "extra" + name(below) e.g. renovate-netrc-config
extraVolumeMounts list [] Additional volumeMounts to the container
extraVolumes list [] Additional volumes to the pod
extraContainers list [] Additional containers to the pod
fullnameOverride string "" Override the fully qualified app name
global.commonLabels object {} Additional labels to be set on all renovate resources
hostAliases list [] Override hostname resolution
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" "IfNotPresent" to pull the image if no image with the specified tag exists on the node, "Always" to always pull the image or "Never" to try and use pre-pulled images
image.registry string "ghcr.io" Registry to pull image from
image.repository string "renovatebot/renovate" Image name to pull
image.tag string "37.27.0" Renovate image tag to pull
imagePullSecrets object {} Secret to use to pull the image from the repository
nameOverride string "" Override the name of the chart
nodeSelector object {} Select the node using labels to specify where the cronjob pod should run on
pod.annotations object {} Annotations to set on the pod
pod.labels object {} Labels to set on the pod
redis.architecture string "standalone" Disable replication by default
redis.auth.enabled bool false Don't require a password by default
redis.enabled bool false Enable the Redis subchart?
redis.kubeVersion string "" Override Kubernetes version for redis chart
redis.nameOverride string "" Override the prefix of the redisHost
renovate.config string "" Inline global renovate config.json
renovate.configEnableHelmTpl bool false Use the Helm tpl function on your configuration. See README for how to use this value
renovate.configIsSecret bool false Use this to create the renovate-config as a secret instead of a configmap
renovate.existingConfigFile string "" Custom exiting global renovate config
renovate.persistence.cache.enabled bool false Allow the cache to persist between runs
renovate.persistence.cache.storageClass string "" Storage class of the cache PVC
renovate.persistence.cache.storageSize string "512Mi" Storage size of the cache PVC
renovate.securityContext object {} Renovate Container-level security-context
resources object {} Specify resource limits and requests for the renovate container
secrets object {} Environment variables that should be referenced from a k8s secret, cannot be used when existingSecret is set
securityContext object {} Pod-level security-context
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool false Specifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.name string "" The name of the service account to use
ssh_config.config string "" Contents of the config file
ssh_config.enabled bool false Whether to enable the use and creation of a secret containing .ssh files
ssh_config.existingSecret string "" Name of the existing secret containing a valid .ssh configuration
ssh_config.id_rsa string "" Contents of the id_rsa file
ssh_config.id_rsa_pub string "" Contents of the id_rsa_pub file
tolerations list [] Configure which node taints the pod should tolerate

Renovate persistent cache

To speed up execution time of jobs it could be useful to enable persistent caching. This means that Renovate can make use of the cache that have been build up in previous runs. Set renovate.persistence.cache.enabled to true to enable this. If necessary, the storageClass can be configured and the storageSize can be set to the preferred value.

NOTE: securityContext.fsGroup must be set to the correct group ID to use the persistent cache. Without it, renovate can't write to the mounted PVC. For the current default user (ubuntu), the correct fsGroup is 1000.

Renovate config templating

Enable renovate.configEnableHelmTpl to use helm templates for generated renovate config.json. Allows you to reference values using "{{ .Values.someValue }}" in your config

NOTE: setting renovate.configEnableHelmTpl to true means that you have to escape your config entries containing {{ (i.e. "key": "{{depName}}") in the value by wrapping it like: "key": "{{ "{{depName}}" }}".

Renovate full image

This chart is using the slim renovate image by default. If you want to use the full renovate image, set the image.tag to full. If you like to use a specific major version, set the image.tag to 36-full.


Please check out bitnami redis chart for additional redis configuration.


A major chart version change can indicate that there is an incompatible breaking change needing maual actions.

To v16

  • The slim options was removed, the latest tag now points to the slim renovate docker image.
  • The dind option was removed. The slim renovate version uses binarySource=install, so no need for complex Docker in Docker setup.
  • The renovate image is now pulled from ghcr.io/renovatebot/renovate by default.