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Check for and eliminate any drift in the thanos chart

Kirby Liu requested to merge thanos-diff-upstream into main

General MR


  • Pull down a copy of the upstream chart at the same version as ours and diff them.
    • Move any missing changes over and/or update the DEVELOPMENT_MAINTENANCE.md documentation to specify changes that are intentionally omitted (if they are not already specified).
  • Check the values.yaml file
    • Remove unused/orphaned entries in the values.yaml file. Be certain they are unused before removing them.
    • If there are required values.yaml modifications that are not documented in DEVELOPMENT_MAINTENANCE.md, please update the doc accordingly.
  • Increment our chart's -bb.X version
  • Add a CHANGELOG.md entry.
  • Regenerate README.md.

Relevant logs/screenshots

(Include any relevant logs/screenshots)

Linked Issue

[issue]#51 (closed)

Upgrade Notices


Edited by Kirby Liu

Merge request reports