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feat: twistlock-defenders contrib script supports multi-cluster deployment

Phillip Warner requested to merge feat-scripts-update into main

General MR


This updates the contributor script for deploying twistlock defenders manually. This is what I used to pull manifests from Party Bus consoles and point the defenders to alternate locations for defending multiple clusters with a single console.

I had updated this script locally a few months ago, but forgot to update the wip branch in this project where the contrib scripts were waiting to be merged in. Now this MR catches the defenders script back up.

BB MR: big-bang/bigbang!5778

Linked Issue

This is related to #181 in that this script can be used to initially deploy defenders. The changes in !232 (closed) can then maintain the defender updates from then on. You have to pull the manifests from the console you want to link to, and Big Bang init simply cannot support that when run from the target clusters where you want the defenders deployed to.

Upgrade Notices


Edited by Jasdeep Basra

Merge request reports
