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Matt Boyer's avatar
Matt Boyer authored
fixing the way the gateway name is selected

See merge request !36


Version: 0.4.8 Type: application

Adds full Big Bang integration into a package

Upstream References

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  • Kubernetes Cluster deployed
  • Kubernetes config installed in ~/.kube/config
  • Helm installed

Install Helm



  • Clone down the repository
  • cd into directory
helm install wrapper chart/


Key Type Default Description
bigbang object {"addons":{"authservice":{"enabled":false,"values":{"selector":{"key":"protect","value":"keycloak"}}}},"domain":"bigbang.dev","istio":{"enabled":false},"monitoring":{"enabled":false},"networkPolicies":{"controlPlaneCidr":"","controlPlaneNode":null,"enabled":false},"openshift":false} Passdown values from Big Bang
package object {"configMaps":[],"istio":{"hardened":{"customAuthorizationPolicies":[],"enabled":false,"matchLabels":{}},"hosts":[],"injection":"enabled","peerAuthentications":[]},"monitor":{"alerts":null,"dashboards":{},"encryptedMetrics":true,"services":[]},"name":"","namespace":{"name":null},"network":{"additionalPolicies":[],"allowControlPlaneEgress":false,"allowDnsEgress":true,"allowHttpsEgress":[],"allowIntraNamespace":true,"defaultDeny":true,"policies":true},"secrets":[],"sso":{"enabled":false},"values":{}} Passdown values from package
package.name Required "" Name of the package
package.namespace.name string Same as package.name Name of the namespace. Defaults to the same name as the package.
package.istio.injection string "enabled" Toggles sidecar injection into the package. Enabling this allows mTLS. Options are "enabled" or "disabled".
package.istio.hardened object If sidecar injection is enabled and peerAuthentication is blank, mTLS will be set to strict mode for the namespace. Add policies to enforce traffic encryption (mTLS) through Istio sidecars. More info.
package.monitor.encryptedMetrics bool true Toggle automatic setup of encrypted metrics via https. Requires Istio injection. Strict mTLS relies on this being enabled.
package.monitor.services list [] Services to monitor using Prometheus. Each service is specified as name: "", [spec: {}](https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/main/Documentation/api.md#monitoring.coreos.com/v1.ServiceMonitorSpec)
package.monitor.alerts string nil Prometheus alerting rules, list of Prometheus RuleGroups
package.monitor.dashboards object {} Custom Grafana dashboards. Each dashboard is specified with a unique name key and dashboard contents value. Dashboard contents are a key-value pair where key is dashboard format ("json") and value is dashboard contents. Adds to existing bigbang grafana configuration, so no provider required, but otherwise follows Grafana conventions. More Info
package.network.policies bool true Toggle all policies on or off
package.network.defaultDeny bool true Deny all traffic in the namespace by default
package.network.allowIntraNamespace bool true Allow traffic between pods inside the namespace
package.network.allowControlPlaneEgress bool false Allow egress traffic from the namespace to the Kubernetes control plane for API calls
package.network.allowDnsEgress bool true Allow egress traffic from the namespace to the DNS port
package.network.allowHttpsEgress list [] Allow https egress to internet from specific pods
package.network.additionalPolicies list [] Custom egress/ingress policies to deploy. More info
package.secrets list [] Secrets that should be created prior to Helm install
package.configMaps list [] ConfigMaps that should be created prior to Helm install
package.sso.enabled bool false Toggle AuthService SSO for package; Chain must be setup in Authservice & workload must be appropriately labeled for this to work
package.values object {} Pass through values to this package's upstream Helm chart


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