Adds full Big Bang integration into a package
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- Helm installed
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helm install wrapper chart/
Key | Type | Default | Description |
bigbang | object | {"addons":{"authservice":{"enabled":false,"values":{"selector":{"key":"protect","value":"keycloak"}}}},"domain":"bigbang.dev","istio":{"enabled":false},"monitoring":{"enabled":false},"networkPolicies":{"controlPlaneCidr":"","controlPlaneNode":null,"enabled":false},"openshift":false} |
Passdown values from Big Bang |
package | object | {"configMaps":[],"istio":{"hardened":{"customAuthorizationPolicies":[],"enabled":false,"matchLabels":{}},"hosts":[],"injection":"enabled","peerAuthentications":[]},"monitor":{"alerts":null,"dashboards":{},"encryptedMetrics":true,"services":[]},"name":"","namespace":{"name":null},"network":{"additionalPolicies":[],"allowControlPlaneEgress":false,"allowDnsEgress":true,"allowHttpsEgress":[],"allowIntraNamespace":true,"defaultDeny":true,"policies":true},"secrets":[],"sso":{"enabled":false},"values":{}} |
Passdown values from package |
package.name | Required | "" |
Name of the package |
package.namespace.name | string | Same as package.name | Name of the namespace. Defaults to the same name as the package. |
package.istio.injection | string | "enabled" |
Toggles sidecar injection into the package. Enabling this allows mTLS. Options are "enabled" or "disabled". |
package.istio.hardened | object | If sidecar injection is enabled and peerAuthentication is blank, mTLS will be set to strict mode for the namespace. | Add policies to enforce traffic encryption (mTLS) through Istio sidecars. More info. |
package.monitor.encryptedMetrics | bool | true |
Toggle automatic setup of encrypted metrics via https. Requires Istio injection. Strict mTLS relies on this being enabled. |
package.monitor.services | list | [] |
Services to monitor using Prometheus. Each service is specified as name: "", [spec: {}](https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/main/Documentation/api.md#monitoring.coreos.com/v1.ServiceMonitorSpec)
package.monitor.alerts | string | nil |
Prometheus alerting rules, list of Prometheus RuleGroups |
package.monitor.dashboards | object | {} |
Custom Grafana dashboards. Each dashboard is specified with a unique name key and dashboard contents value. Dashboard contents are a key-value pair where key is dashboard format ("json") and value is dashboard contents. Adds to existing bigbang grafana configuration, so no provider required, but otherwise follows Grafana conventions. More Info |
package.network.policies | bool | true |
Toggle all policies on or off |
package.network.defaultDeny | bool | true |
Deny all traffic in the namespace by default |
package.network.allowIntraNamespace | bool | true |
Allow traffic between pods inside the namespace |
package.network.allowControlPlaneEgress | bool | false |
Allow egress traffic from the namespace to the Kubernetes control plane for API calls |
package.network.allowDnsEgress | bool | true |
Allow egress traffic from the namespace to the DNS port |
package.network.allowHttpsEgress | list | [] |
Allow https egress to internet from specific pods |
package.network.additionalPolicies | list | [] |
Custom egress/ingress policies to deploy. More info |
package.secrets | list | [] |
Secrets that should be created prior to Helm install |
package.configMaps | list | [] |
ConfigMaps that should be created prior to Helm install |
package.sso.enabled | bool | false |
Toggle AuthService SSO for package; Chain must be setup in Authservice & workload must be appropriately labeled for this to work |
package.values | object | {} |
Pass through values to this package's upstream Helm chart |
Please see the contributing guide if you are interested in contributing.