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Add tests to bring coverage to 82.1%

Micah Nagel requested to merge micah-test-add into main

3 more tests (coverage at 82.1%):

  • helm hooks
  • generator file not existing
  • generator file having bad formatting (can't be parsed as yaml)

Updated error processing:

  • remove one redundant error return statement
  • add one missing error return statement

Error changes ensure that the built binary always returns an accurate error. Examples:

> ./kustomize-helmgenerator filethatdoesntexist
Error: open filethatdoesntexist: no such file or directory
> ./kustomize-helmgenerator bad-yaml.yaml
Error: yaml: line 10: mapping values are not allowed in this context
Edited by Micah Nagel

Merge request reports
