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Labels 87
Iron Bank Containers
Maintainer invalid or not found, will be updated by the container hardening team.
Iron Bank Containers
Robot accounts, member access or any kind of customer related tasks
Iron Bank Containers
Creating new repositories/assisting new vendors with onboarding questions
NotificationEmail Sent
Iron Bank Containers
This label should be added to an issue when a CHT member reaches out to a vendor or contributor directly in response to a Final::Notification label.
Iron Bank Containers
Final notification after 42 days of inactivity, the issue is being moved to Iron Bank Leadership to adjudicate why no work is happening.
Iron Bank Containers
An Automated label to notify of inactivity - applied after 14 days of no update to the issue
Iron Bank Containers
An Automated label to notify of inactivity - applied after 28 days of no update to the issue
Iron Bank Containers
All work is owned by an external contributor, an external entity who is a partner with Platform One is managing the containerization and updates to this product.
Iron Bank Containers
All work is owned by members of the Container Hardening Team within Iron Bank
Iron Bank Containers
repos which aren't currently specified in the Ironbank metadata
Iron Bank Containers
A Vendor is managing the containerization and updates to this product. All work is owned by the vendor with the exception of the approval process.