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GitLab 12.5.0 - Task Runner

DJ Mountney requested to merge 12-5-update into master

GitLab 12.5.0 release

The hardened containers for GitLab 12.5 require the gitlab 12.5 blob to be available for download.

There are some included scripts to make this easier for user building images offline on their machine.


  1. Switch to the 12.5 directory
  2. Run ./build-scripts/build.sh
    • Runs docker build, and takes care of setting the appropriate build args for users running locally
    • Uses the NEXUS_SERVER variable from your environment, or full PACKAGE_URL.

build-script/build.sh is provided as an example and helpful for building locally. You can also instead call docker build and pass build-args directly.

Build Phases

Some of the GitLab containers are build ontop of previous containers, building the containers in ordered phases is necessary to build all containers.

  • Phase One
    • kubectl
    • gitlab-ruby
  • Phase Two
    • git-base
    • gitlab-exporter
    • gitlab-mailroom
    • gitlab-shell
    • gitlab-rails
    • gitlab-workhorse
  • Phase 3
    • gitaly
  • Phase 4
    • gitlab-sidekiq
    • gitlab-task-runner
    • gitlab-unicorn

In 12.5 the above containers are all that are needed, many of the other previous helper containers like go, python, postgresql, elasticsearch-indexer just have their libraries and binaries included in the provided blob.

Edited by DJ Mountney

Merge request reports
