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renovate requested to merge renovate/all into development

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
boto3 ==1.24.96 -> ==1.26.3 age adoption passing confidence
jsonschema (changelog) ==4.16.0 -> ==4.17.0 age adoption passing confidence
pytest (source, changelog) ==7.1.3 -> ==7.2.0 age adoption passing confidence
python-gitlab ==3.10.0 -> ==3.11.0 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes



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  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] This release adds API support for the recipient of an AMI account share to remove shared AMI launch permissions.
  • api-change:emr-containers: [botocore] Adding support for Job templates. Job templates allow you to create and store templates to configure Spark applications parameters. This helps you ensure consistent settings across applications by reusing and enforcing configuration overrides in data pipelines.
  • api-change:logs: [botocore] Doc-only update for bug fixes and support of export to buckets encrypted with SSE-KMS
  • api-change:endpoint-rules: [botocore] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version


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  • api-change:memorydb: [botocore] Adding support for r6gd instances for MemoryDB Redis with data tiering. In a cluster with data tiering enabled, when available memory capacity is exhausted, the least recently used data is automatically tiered to solid state drives for cost-effective capacity scaling with minimal performance impact.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Amazon SageMaker now supports running training jobs on ml.trn1 instance types.
  • api-change:endpoint-rules: [botocore] Update endpoint-rules client to latest version


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  • api-change:iotsitewise: [botocore] This release adds the ListAssetModelProperties and ListAssetProperties APIs. You can list all properties that belong to a single asset model or asset using these two new APIs.
  • api-change:s3control: [botocore] S3 on Outposts launches support for Lifecycle configuration for Outposts buckets. With S3 Lifecycle configuration, you can mange objects so they are stored cost effectively. You can manage objects using size-based rules and specify how many noncurrent versions bucket will retain.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] This release updates Framework model regex for ModelPackage to support new Framework version xgboost, sklearn.
  • api-change:ssm-incidents: [botocore] Adds support for tagging replication-set on creation.


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  • feature:Endpoints: [botocore] Migrate all services to use new AWS Endpoint Resolution framework
  • Enhancement:Endpoints: [botocore] Discontinued use of sslCommonName hosts as detailed in 1.27.0 (see #&#8203;2705 <https://github.com/boto/botocore/issues/2705>__ for more info)
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Relational Database Service - This release adds support for configuring Storage Throughput on RDS database instances.
  • api-change:textract: [botocore] Add ocr results in AnalyzeIDResponse as blocks


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  • api-change:apprunner: [botocore] This release adds support for private App Runner services. Services may now be configured to be made private and only accessible from a VPC. The changes include a new VpcIngressConnection resource and several new and modified APIs.
  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Amazon connect now support a new API DismissUserContact to dismiss or remove terminated contacts in Agent CCP
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Elastic IP transfer is a new Amazon VPC feature that allows you to transfer your Elastic IP addresses from one AWS Account to another.
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] This release adds the Amazon Location action to IoT Rules Engine.
  • api-change:logs: [botocore] SDK release to support tagging for destinations and log groups with TagResource. Also supports tag on create with PutDestination.
  • api-change:sesv2: [botocore] This release includes support for interacting with the Virtual Deliverability Manager, allowing you to opt in/out of the feature and to retrieve recommendations and metric data.
  • api-change:textract: [botocore] This release introduces additional support for 30+ normalized fields such as vendor address and currency. It also includes OCR output in the response and accuracy improvements for the already supported fields in previous version


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  • api-change:apprunner: [botocore] AWS App Runner adds .NET 6, Go 1, PHP 8.1 and Ruby 3.1 runtimes.
  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] This release includes CertificateBasedAuthProperties in CreateDirectoryConfig and UpdateDirectoryConfig.
  • api-change:cloud9: [botocore] Update to the documentation section of the Cloud9 API Reference guide.
  • api-change:cloudformation: [botocore] This release adds more fields to improves visibility of AWS CloudFormation StackSets information in following APIs: ListStackInstances, DescribeStackInstance, ListStackSetOperationResults, ListStackSetOperations, DescribeStackSetOperation.
  • api-change:gamesparks: [botocore] Add LATEST as a possible GameSDK Version on snapshot
  • api-change:mediatailor: [botocore] This release introduces support for SCTE-35 segmentation descriptor messages which can be sent within time signal messages.


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  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Feature supports the replacement of instance root volume using an updated AMI without requiring customers to stop their instance.
  • api-change:fms: [botocore] Add support NetworkFirewall Managed Rule Group Override flag in GetViolationDetails API
  • api-change:glue: [botocore] Added support for custom datatypes when using custom csv classifier.
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] This release clarifies use for the ElasticIp parameter of the CreateCluster and RestoreFromClusterSnapshot APIs.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] This change allows customers to provide a custom entrypoint script for the docker container to be run while executing training jobs, and provide custom arguments to the entrypoint script.
  • api-change:wafv2: [botocore] This release adds the following: Challenge rule action, to silently verify client browsers; rule group rule action override to any valid rule action, not just Count; token sharing between protected applications for challenge/CAPTCHA token; targeted rules option for Bot Control managed rule group.


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  • api-change:iam: [botocore] Doc only update that corrects instances of CLI not using an entity.
  • api-change:kafka: [botocore] This release adds support for Tiered Storage. UpdateStorage allows you to control the Storage Mode for supported storage tiers.
  • api-change:neptune: [botocore] Added a new cluster-level attribute to set the capacity range for Neptune Serverless instances.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Amazon SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning now supports specifying Grid Search strategy for tuning jobs, which evaluates all hyperparameter combinations exhaustively based on the categorical hyperparameters provided.


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  • api-change:accessanalyzer: [botocore] This release adds support for six new resource types in IAM Access Analyzer to help you easily identify public and cross-account access to your AWS resources. Updated service API, documentation, and paginators.
  • api-change:location: [botocore] Added new map styles with satellite imagery for map resources using HERE as a data provider.
  • api-change:mediatailor: [botocore] This release is a documentation update
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] Relational Database Service - This release adds support for exporting DB cluster data to Amazon S3.
  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] This release adds new enums for supporting Workspaces Core features, including creating Manual running mode workspaces, importing regular Workspaces Core images and importing g4dn Workspaces Core images.


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  • feature:Endpoints: [botocore] Implemented new endpoint ruleset system to dynamically derive endpoints and settings for services
  • api-change:acm-pca: [botocore] AWS Private Certificate Authority (AWS Private CA) now offers usage modes which are combination of features to address specific use cases.
  • api-change:batch: [botocore] This release adds support for AWS Batch on Amazon EKS.
  • api-change:datasync: [botocore] Added support for self-signed certificates when using object storage locations; added BytesCompressed to the TaskExecution response.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] SageMaker Inference Recommender now supports a new API ListInferenceRecommendationJobSteps to return the details of all the benchmark we create for an inference recommendation job.


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  • The check_schema method on jsonschema.protocols.Validator instances now enables format validation by default when run. This can catch some additional invalid schemas (e.g. containing invalid regular expressions) where the issue is indeed uncovered by validating against the metaschema with format validation enabled as an assertion.
  • The jsonschema CLI (along with jsonschema.cli the module) are now deprecated. Use check-jsonschema instead, which can be installed via pip install check-jsonschema and found here <https://github.com/python-jsonschema/check-jsonschema>_.


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pytest 7.2.0 (2022-10-23)


  • #​10012: Update pytest.PytestUnhandledCoroutineWarning{.interpreted-text role="class"} to a deprecation; it will raise an error in pytest 8.

  • #​10396: pytest no longer depends on the py library. pytest provides a vendored copy of py.error and py.path modules but will use the py library if it is installed. If you need other py.* modules, continue to install the deprecated py library separately, otherwise it can usually be removed as a dependency.

  • #​4562: Deprecate configuring hook specs/impls using attributes/marks.

    Instead use :pypytest.hookimpl{.interpreted-text role="func"} and :pypytest.hookspec{.interpreted-text role="func"}. For more details, see the docs <legacy-path-hooks-deprecated>{.interpreted-text role="ref"}.

  • #​9886: The functionality for running tests written for nose has been officially deprecated.

    This includes:

    • Plain setup and teardown functions and methods: this might catch users by surprise, as setup() and teardown() are not pytest idioms, but part of the nose support.
    • Setup/teardown using the @​with_setup decorator.

    For more details, consult the deprecation docs <nose-deprecation>{.interpreted-text role="ref"}.


  • #​9897: Added shell-style wildcard support to testpaths.


  • #​10218: @pytest.mark.parametrize() (and similar functions) now accepts any Sequence[str] for the argument names, instead of just list[str] and tuple[str, ...].

    (Note that str, which is itself a Sequence[str], is still treated as a comma-delimited name list, as before).

  • #​10381: The --no-showlocals flag has been added. This can be passed directly to tests to override --showlocals declared through addopts.

  • #​3426: Assertion failures with strings in NFC and NFD forms that normalize to the same string now have a dedicated error message detailing the issue, and their utf-8 representation is expresed instead.

  • #​7337: A warning is now emitted if a test function returns something other than [None]{.title-ref}. This prevents a common mistake among beginners that expect that returning a [bool]{.title-ref} (for example [return foo(a, b) == result]{.title-ref}) would cause a test to pass or fail, instead of using [assert]{.title-ref}.

  • #​8508: Introduce multiline display for warning matching via :pypytest.warns{.interpreted-text role="func"} and enhance match comparison for :py_pytest._code.ExceptionInfo.match{.interpreted-text role="func"} as returned by :pypytest.raises{.interpreted-text role="func"}.

  • #​8646: Improve :pypytest.raises{.interpreted-text role="func"}. Previously passing an empty tuple would give a confusing error. We now raise immediately with a more helpful message.

  • #​9741: On Python 3.11, use the standard library's tomllib{.interpreted-text role="mod"} to parse TOML.

    tomli{.interpreted-text role="mod"}` is no longer a dependency on Python 3.11.

  • #​9742: Display assertion message without escaped newline characters with -vv.

  • #​9823: Improved error message that is shown when no collector is found for a given file.

  • #​9873: Some coloring has been added to the short test summary.

  • #​9883: Normalize the help description of all command-line options.

  • #​9920: Display full crash messages in short test summary info, when runng in a CI environment.

  • #​9987: Added support for hidden configuration file by allowing .pytest.ini as an alternative to pytest.ini.

Bug Fixes

  • #​10150: sys.stdin{.interpreted-text role="data"} now contains all expected methods of a file-like object when capture is enabled.

  • #​10382: Do not break into pdb when raise unittest.SkipTest() appears top-level in a file.

  • #​7792: Marks are now inherited according to the full MRO in test classes. Previously, if a test class inherited from two or more classes, only marks from the first super-class would apply.

    When inheriting marks from super-classes, marks from the sub-classes are now ordered before marks from the super-classes, in MRO order. Previously it was the reverse.

    When inheriting marks from super-classes, the [pytestmark]{.title-ref} attribute of the sub-class now only contains the marks directly applied to it. Previously, it also contained marks from its super-classes. Please note that this attribute should not normally be accessed directly; use pytest.Node.iter_markers{.interpreted-text role="func"} instead.

  • #​9159: Showing inner exceptions by forcing native display in ExceptionGroups even when using display options other than --tb=native. A temporary step before full implementation of pytest-native display for inner exceptions in ExceptionGroups.

  • #​9877: Ensure caplog.get_records(when) returns current/correct data after invoking caplog.clear().

Improved Documentation

  • #​10344: Update information on writing plugins to use pyproject.toml instead of setup.py.
  • #​9248: The documentation is now built using Sphinx 5.x (up from 3.x previously).
  • #​9291: Update documentation on how pytest.warns{.interpreted-text role="func"} affects DeprecationWarning{.interpreted-text role="class"}.

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • #​10196: ~pytest.PytestReturnNotNoneWarning{.interpreted-text role="class"} is now a subclass of ~pytest.PytestRemovedIn8Warning{.interpreted-text role="class"}: the plan is to make returning non-None from tests an error in the future.
  • #​10313: Made _pytest.doctest.DoctestItem export pytest.DoctestItem for type check and runtime purposes. Made [_pytest.doctest]{.title-ref} use internal APIs to avoid circular imports.
  • #​9906: Made _pytest.compat re-export importlib_metadata in the eyes of type checkers.
  • #​9910: Fix default encoding warning (EncodingWarning) in cacheprovider
  • #​9984: Improve the error message when we attempt to access a fixture that has been torn down. Add an additional sentence to the docstring explaining when it's not a good idea to call getfixturevalue.


Compare Source

  • build: Officially support Python 3.11 (74f66c7)
  • api: Add support for topics merge API (9a6d197)
  • Remove project.approvals.set_approvals() method (91f08f0)
  • Use epic id instead of iid for epic notes (97cae38)
  • cli: Handle list response for json/yaml output (9b88132)
  • Intermittent failure in test_merge_request_reset_approvals (3dde36e)
  • advanced: Add hint on type narrowing (a404152)
  • Add minimal docs about the enable_debug() method (b4e9ab7)
  • commits: Fix commit create example for binary content (bcc1eb4)
  • readme: Add a basic feature list (b4d53f1)
  • api: Describe use of lower-level methods (b7a6874)
  • api: Describe the list() and all() runners' functions (b6cc3f2)
  • api: Update merge_requests.rst: mr_id to mr_iid (b32234d)


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🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever MR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 Immortal: This MR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this MR, click this checkbox.

This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by renovate

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