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Bump version and update README for cost-model #5

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Kubecost models give teams visibility into current and historical Kubernetes spend and resource allocation. These models provide cost transparency in Kubernetes environments that support multiple applications, teams, departments, etc.
![Kubecost allocation UI](https://github.com/kubecost/cost-model/raw/master/allocation-drilldown.gif)
Visit [kubecost.com](https://kubecost.com/#features) to learn more.
To see more on the functionality of the full Kubecost product, please visit the [features page](https://kubecost.com/#features) on our website.
Here is a summary of features enabled by this cost model:
## Features
Here is a summary of features enabled by Kubecost
- Real-time cost allocation by Kubernetes service, deployment, namespace, label, statefulset, daemonset, pod, and container
- Dynamic asset pricing enabled by integrations with AWS, Azure, and GCP billing APIs
- Supports on-prem k8s clusters with custom pricing sheets
- Allocation for in-cluster resources like CPU, GPU, memory, and persistent volumes.
- Allocation for AWS & GCP out-of-cluster resources like RDS instances and S3 buckets with key (optional)
- Easily export pricing data to Prometheus with /metrics endpoint ([learn more](https://github.com/kubecost/cost-model/blob/master/PROMETHEUS.md))
- Easily export pricing data to Prometheus with /metrics endpoint ([learn more](https://github.com/kubecost/opencost/blob/master/PROMETHEUS.md))
- Free and open source distribution (Apache2 license)
## Requirements
- Kubernetes version 1.8 or higher
- Prometheus
- kube-state-metrics (optional)
- Kubernetes version 1.8+
## Getting Started
To install Kubecost with hardened Ironbank Kubecost images, use the following:
kubectl create namespace kubecost
helm repo add kubecost https://kubecost.github.io/cost-analyzer/
helm install kubecost kubecost/cost-analyzer --namespace kubecost --set kubecostModel.image="registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/kubecost/cost-model:prod-1.93.1" --set kubecostFrontend.image="registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/kubecost/frontend:prod-1.93.1"
For questions & support, reach out on [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/kubecost/shared_invite/enQtNTA2MjQ1NDUyODE5LWFjYzIzNWE4MDkzMmUyZGU4NjkwMzMyMjIyM2E0NGNmYjExZjBiNjk1YzY5ZDI0ZTNhZDg4NjlkMGRkYzFlZTU) or email us at [team@kubecost.com](mailto:team@kubecost.com)