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Initial on-boarding contribution for matlab-with-desktop project

Jos Martin requested to merge mw-patch-1 into development

This is the initial on-boarding merge request to see if our Dockerfile, etc. are correct for the build system of platform 1. I have followed the checklist procedure for this submission, and everything seems in order.

NOTE: I have been unable to find the https://repo1.dsop.io/dsop/dccscr-whitelists/mathworks/matlab/matlab-with-desktop/matlab-with-desktop.greylist file and I do not seem to be able to create it either. I hope that as part of the initial on-boarding submission someone from the repo1 team will create this file. I believe the salient info in the file is as below in case

    "image_name": "mathworks/matlab/matlab-with-desktop",
    "image_tag": "0.1.0",
    "image_parent_name": "redhat/ubi/ubi7",
    "image_parent_tag": "7.9",
    "container_owner": "jlmartin@mathworks.com",
    "approval_status": "pendingapproval",

I'm not sure who the approvers for our container should be - but likely "nicolas.m.chaillan.civ@mail.mil"

#1 (closed)

Edited by Jos Martin

Merge request reports