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Master: Renovate: Automerge Update dependency without new findings

Ghost User requested to merge development into master

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
grafana/tempo-query ironbank-docker minor 1.4.1 -> 1.5.0
grafana/tempo-query minor 1.4.1 -> 1.5.0
grafana/tempo-query stage minor 1.4.1 -> 1.5.0

Release Notes



Compare Source

  • [CHANGE] metrics-generator: Changed added metric label instance to __metrics_gen_instance to reduce collisions with custom dimensions. #​1439 (@​joe-elliott)
  • [CHANGE] Don't enforce max_bytes_per_tag_values_query when set to 0. #​1447 (@​joe-elliott)
  • [CHANGE] Add new querier service in deployment jsonnet to serve /status endpoint. #​1474 (@​annanay25)
  • [CHANGE] Swapped out Google Cloud Functions serverless docs and build for Google Cloud Run. #​1483 (@​joe-elliott)
  • [CHANGE] BREAKING CHANGE Change spanmetrics metric names and labels to match OTel conventions. #​1478 (@​mapno)
  • [FEATURE] Add support for time picker in jaeger query plugin. #​1631 (@​rubenvp8510) Old metric names:

New metric names:


Additionally, default label span_status is renamed to status_code.

  • [CHANGE] Update to Go 1.18 #​1504 (@​annanay25)
  • [CHANGE] Change tag/value lookups to return partial results when reaching response size limit instead of failing #​1517 (@​mdisibio)
  • [CHANGE] Change search to be case-sensitive #​1547 (@​mdisibio)
  • [CHANGE] Relax Hedged request defaults for external endpoints. #​1566 (@​joe-elliott) querier: search: external_hedge_requests_at: 4s -> 8s external_hedge_requests_up_to: 3 -> 2
  • [CHANGE] BREAKING CHANGE Include emptyDir for metrics generator wal storage in jsonnet #​1556 (@​zalegrala) Jsonnet users will now need to specify a storage request and limit for the generator wal. _config+:: { metrics_generator+: { ephemeral_storage_request_size: '10Gi', ephemeral_storage_limit_size: '11Gi', }, }
  • [CHANGE] Two additional latency buckets added to the default settings for generated spanmetrics. Note that this will increase cardinality when using the defaults. #​1593 (@​fredr)
  • [CHANGE] Mark log_received_traces as deprecated. New flag is log_received_spans. Extend distributor spans logger with optional features to include span attributes and a filter by error status. #​1465 (@​faustodavid)
  • [FEATURE] Add parquet block format #​1479 #​1531 #​1564 (@​annanay25, @​mdisibio)
  • [FEATURE] Add anonymous usage reporting, enabled by default. #​1481 (@​zalegrala) BREAKING CHANGE As part of the usage stats inclusion, the distributor will also require access to the store. This is required so the distirbutor can know which cluster it should be reporting membership of.
  • [FEATURE] Include messaging systems and databases in service graphs. #​1576 (@​kvrhdn)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added the ability to have a per tenant max search duration. #​1421 (@​joe-elliott)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] metrics-generator: expose max_active_series as a metric #​1471 (@​kvrhdn)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Azure Backend: Add support for authentication with Managed Identities. #​1457 (@​joe-elliott)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add metric to track feature enablement #​1459 (@​zalegrala)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added s3 config option insecure_skip_verify #​1470 (@​zalegrala)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Added polling option to reduce issues in Azure blocklist_poll_jitter_ms #​1518 (@​joe-elliott)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add a config to query single ingester instance based on trace id hash for Trace By ID API. (1484)[https://github.com/grafana/tempo/pull/1484] (@​sagarwala, @​bikashmishra100, @​ashwinidulams)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add blocklist metrics for total backend objects and total backend bytes #​1519 (@​ie-pham)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Adds tempo_querier_external_endpoint_hedged_roundtrips_total to count the total hedged requests #​1558 (@​joe-elliott) BREAKING CHANGE Removed deprecated metrics `tempodb_(gcs|s3|

Merge request reports
