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Draft: Update dependency jupyterlab to v4

renovate requested to merge renovate/jupyterlab-4.x into development

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Update Change
jupyterlab (changelog) major 3.6.3 -> 4.0.6
jupyterlab (changelog) major ==3.6.3 -> ==4.0.6

Dependency Lookup Warnings

Warnings were logged while processing this repo. Please check the logs for more information.

Release Notes



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(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made
Bugs fixed
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
Documentation improvements
API and Breaking Changes
Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@​afshin | @​bollwyvl | @​echarles | @​fcollonval | @​github-actions | @​jtpio | @​jupyterlab-probot | @​krassowski | @​lumberbot-app | @​meeseeksmachine | @​tonyfast | @​welcome


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(Full Changelog)

A bug in @jupyterlab/galata has been fixed as part of #​14951. It requires to bump the version you are using for integration tests to 5.0.5. You can achieve this by executing jlpm up "@​jupyterlab/galata" in your integration tests folder.

Enhancements made
Bugs fixed
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
Documentation improvements
Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@​fcollonval | @​github-actions | @​jtpio | @​jupyterlab-probot | @​krassowski | @​lumberbot-app | @​meeseeksmachine | @​welcome


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(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made
Bugs fixed
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
Documentation improvements
Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@​fcollonval | @​github-actions | @​jtpio | @​jupyterlab-probot | @​krassowski | @​lumberbot-app | @​meeseeksmachine | @​welcome


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(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
Documentation improvements
Other merged MRs
Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@​andrii-i | @​brijsiyag | @​echarles | @​fcollonval | @​GabrielaVives | @​github-actions | @​JasonWeill | @​jtpio | @​jupyterlab-probot | @​krassowski | @​lumberbot-app | @​meeseeksmachine | @​tonyfast | @​welcome


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(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
Documentation improvements
Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@​dependabot | @​ericsnekbytes | @​fcollonval | @​GabrielaVives | @​github-actions | @​jtpio | @​jupyterlab-probot | @​krassowski | @​pre-commit-ci | @​tonyfast


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(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made
Bugs fixed
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
Documentation improvements
Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@​brijsiyag | @​c3Vu | @​dependabot | @​fcollonval | @​github-actions | @​j264415 | @​JasonWeill | @​JeanLescutMuller | @​jtpio | @​jupyterlab-probot | @​krassowski | @​nishikantparmariam | @​t03857785 | @​tpatel | @​tuncbkose | @​welcome


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(Full Changelog)

JupyterLab 4 is released! 🎉

Check out the new features, improvements and bug fixes: https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/changelog.html#v4-0

For extension authors, there is a migration guide available to help you migrate your extensions to JupyterLab 4: https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/extension/extension_migration.html#jupyterlab-3-x-to-4-x

For reference, below are the changed since v4.0.0rc1:

Bugs fixed
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
Documentation improvements
Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@​afshin | @​andrii-i | @​fcollonval | @​github-actions | @​HaudinFlorence | @​jupyterlab-probot | @​krassowski | @​welcome


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(Full Changelog)

Maintenance and upkeep improvements
Documentation improvements
Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@​afshin | @​bollwyvl | @​brichet | @​echarles | @​fcollonval | @​g547315 | @​github-actions | @​isabela-pf | @​j264415 | @​jtpio | @​jupyterlab-probot | @​krassowski | @​lumberbot-app | @​meeseeksmachine | @​tonyfast | @​welcome


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(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed
  • Ensure the kernel selector show the default kernel if notebook does not have a valid assigned kernel #​14693 (@​echarles)
  • Avoid clearing the host node while rendering Markdown #​14579 (@​c3Vu)
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@​andrii-i | @​brijsiyag | @​echarles | @​fcollonval | @​GabrielaVives | @​github-actions | @​JasonWeill | @​jtpio | @​jupyterlab-probot | @​krassowski | @​lumberbot-app | @​meeseeksmachine | @​tonyfast | @​welcome


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(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made
Bugs fixed
Maintenance and upkeep improvements
Documentation improvements
Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@​andrii-i | @​brichet | @​ellisonbg | @​fcollonval | @​gabalafou | @​GabrielaVives | @​github-actions | @​HaudinFlorence | @​hbcarlos | @​JasonWeill | @​jtpio | @​jupyterlab-probot | @​krassowski | @​lumberbot-app | @​meeseeksmachine | @​mlucool | @​tonyfast | @​welcome


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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by renovate

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