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Update all dependencies (major)

Joe Roberts requested to merge renovate/major-all into development

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
PyYAML (source) ironbank-pypi major 5.4.1 -> 6.0
argcomplete (changelog) ironbank-pypi major 1.12.3 -> 2.0.0
azure_batch ironbank-pypi major 11.0.0 -> 12.0.0
azure_cosmos ironbank-pypi major 3.2.0 -> 4.3.0
azure_keyvault ironbank-pypi major 1.1.0 -> 4.2.0
azure_mgmt_apimanagement ironbank-pypi major 0.2.0 -> 3.0.0
azure_mgmt_applicationinsights ironbank-pypi major 1.0.0 -> 3.0.0
azure_mgmt_authorization ironbank-pypi major 0.61.0 -> 2.0.0
azure_mgmt_botservice ironbank-pypi major 0.3.0 -> 1.0.0
azure_mgmt_cdn ironbank-pypi major 11.0.0 -> 12.0.0
azure_mgmt_compute ironbank-pypi major 23.1.0 -> 27.0.0
azure_mgmt_consumption ironbank-pypi major 2.0.0 -> 9.0.0
azure_mgmt_containerregistry ironbank-pypi major 8.2.0 -> 10.0.0
azure_mgmt_containerservice ironbank-pypi major 16.4.0 -> 19.1.0
azure_mgmt_deploymentmanager ironbank-pypi major 0.2.0 -> 1.0.0
azure_mgmt_devtestlabs ironbank-pypi major 4.0.0 -> 9.0.0
azure_mgmt_eventgrid ironbank-pypi major 9.0.0 -> 10.1.0
azure_mgmt_eventhub ironbank-pypi major 9.1.0 -> 10.0.0
azure_mgmt_keyvault ironbank-pypi major 9.3.0 -> 10.0.0
azure_mgmt_kusto ironbank-pypi major 0.3.0 -> 2.2.0
azure_mgmt_managedservices ironbank-pypi major 1.0.0 -> 6.0.0
azure_mgmt_managementgroups ironbank-pypi major 0.2.0 -> 1.0.0
azure_mgmt_media ironbank-pypi major 7.0.0 -> 9.0.0
azure_mgmt_msi ironbank-pypi major 0.2.0 -> 6.0.1
azure_mgmt_netapp ironbank-pypi major 6.0.1 -> 7.0.0
azure_mgmt_network ironbank-pypi major 19.3.0 -> 20.0.0
azure_mgmt_recoveryservicesbackup ironbank-pypi major 4.0.0 -> 5.0.0
azure_mgmt_relay ironbank-pypi major 0.1.0 -> 1.1.0
azure_mgmt_reservations ironbank-pypi major 0.6.0 -> 2.0.0
azure_mgmt_resource ironbank-pypi major 20.0.0 -> 21.1.0
azure_mgmt_servicebus ironbank-pypi major 6.0.0 -> 7.1.0
azure_mgmt_servicefabric ironbank-pypi major 1.0.0 -> 2.0.0
azure_mgmt_storage ironbank-pypi major 19.0.0 -> 20.0.0
azure_mgmt_web ironbank-pypi major 4.0.0 -> 6.1.0
azure_storage_common ironbank-pypi major 1.4.2 -> 2.1.0
certifi ironbank-pypi major 2021.10.8 -> 2022.5.18.1
chardet ironbank-pypi major 3.0.4 -> 4.0.0
cryptography (changelog) ironbank-pypi major 36.0.1 -> 37.0.2
cryptography (changelog) ironbank-pypi major 3.3.2 -> 37.0.2
jmespath ironbank-pypi major 0.10.0 -> 1.0.0
jmespath ironbank-pypi major 0.9.5 -> 1.0.0
jsondiff ironbank-pypi major 1.3.1 -> 2.0.0
msal_extensions (changelog) ironbank-pypi major 0.3.1 -> 1.0.0
pip (source, changelog) ironbank-pypi major 21.3.1 -> 22.1.2
portalocker ironbank-pypi major 1.7.1 -> 2.4.0
protobuf ironbank-pypi major 3.19.4 -> 4.21.1
setuptools ironbank-pypi major 59.6.0 -> 62.3.2
websocket_client ironbank-pypi major 0.56.0 -> 1.3.2

Release Notes retrieval for this MR were skipped because no github.com credentials were available. If you are self-hosted, please see this instruction.


📅 Schedule: At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

Rebasing: Whenever MR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 Immortal: This MR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this MR, click this checkbox.

This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Merge request reports