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chore(deps): update quay.io/strimzi/operator docker tag to v0.37.0

renovate requested to merge renovate/quay.io-strimzi-operator-0.x into development

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
quay.io/strimzi/operator ironbank-docker minor 0.36.1 -> 0.37.0
quay.io/strimzi/operator minor 0.36.1 -> 0.37.0
quay.io/strimzi/operator stage minor 0.36.1 -> 0.37.0

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Release Notes



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  • The StableConnectIdentites feature gate moves to beta stage. By default, StrimziPodSets are used for Kafka Connect and Kafka Mirror Maker 2. If needed, StableConnectIdentites can be disabled in the feature gates configuration in the Cluster Operator.
  • Support for the ppc64le platform
  • Added version fields to the Kafka custom resource status to track install and upgrade state
  • Support for infinite auto-restarts of Kafka Connect and Kafka Mirror Maker 2 connectors
Changes, deprecations and removals
  • Removed support for OpenTracing:
    • The tracing.type: jaeger configuration, in KafkaConnect, KafkaMirrorMaker, KafkaMirrorMaker2 and KafkaBridge resources, is not supported anymore.
    • The OpenTelemetry based tracing is the only available by using tracing.type: opentelemetry.
  • The default behavior of the Kafka Connect connector auto-restart has changed. When the auto-restart feature is enabled in KafkaConnector or KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resources, it will now continue to restart the connectors indefinitely rather than stopping after 7 restarts, as previously. If you want to use the original behaviour, use the .spec.autoRestart.maxRestarts option to configure the maximum number of restarts. For example:
    apiVersion: kafka.strimzi.io/v1beta2
    kind: KafkaConnector
        strimzi.io/cluster: my-connect
      name: echo-sink-connector


  enabled: true
  maxRestarts: 7


* **The automatic configuration of Cruise Control CPU capacity has been changed in this release**:
* There are three ways to configure Cruise Control CPU capacity values:
  * `.spec.cruiseControl.brokerCapacity` (for all brokers)
  * `.spec.cruiseControl.brokerCapacity.overrides` (per broker)
  * Kafka resource requests and limits (for all brokers).
* The precedence of which Cruise Control CPU capacity configuration is used has been changed.
* In previous Strimzi versions, the Kafka resource limit (if set) took precedence, regardless if any other CPU configurations were set.
  * For example:
    * (1) Kafka resource limits
    * (2) `.spec.cruiseControl.brokerCapacity.overrides`
    * (3) `.spec.cruiseControl.brokerCapacity`
* This previous behavior was identified as a bug and was fixed in this Strimzi release.
* Going forward, the brokerCapacity overrides per broker take top precedence, then general brokerCapacity configuration, and then the Kafka resource requests, then the Kafka resource limits.
  * For example:
    * (1) `.spec.cruiseControl.brokerCapacity.overrides`
    * (2) `.spec.cruiseControl.brokerCapacity`
    * (3) Kafka resource requests
    * (4) Kafka resource limits
  * When none of Cruise Control CPU capacity configurations mentioned above are configured, CPU capacity will be set to `1`.
as any _override_ value configured in the `.spec.cruiseControl` section of the `Kafka` custom resource.


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🚦 Automerge: Enabled.

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