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Update VAT Stage to utilize Scan Logic output

Cody Miller requested to merge 659-update-vat into master

Merge Request Description

Included updates to VAT stage to use scan-logic outputs, documentation updates, unit test fixes/additions, and refactor work to simplify scan-logic & image verify.

Closes #659 (closed)

Merge Request BOE


Low - Scan logic has been refactored to be easier to follow and old image detail output has been temporarily commented out.

Rollback Plan

Revert MR


Tested in staging: https://code-ib-mario.staging.dso.mil/dsop/redhat/ubi/ubi8/-/pipelines/3201

The following snippets are from the vat_request.json Vat stage output and shows the name/tag/date/commit/digest formats all match as expected.

Old pipeline run without new changes:

| imageName       | "redhat/ubi/ubi8"                                   |
| imageTag        | "8.6"                                               |
| parentImageName | ""                                                  |
| parentImageTag  | ""                                                  |
| jobId           | "3158"                                              |
| digest          | "5a3715d58fa8d513660e0998…8a7b256dc41a4cf9ae8435c"  |
| timestamp       | "2022-12-13T00:12:25Z"                              |
| scanDate        | "2022-12-13T00:06:57Z"                              |
| buildDate       | "2022-12-13T00:06:57Z"                              |
| repo            |                                                     |
| url             | "https://code-ib-mario.st…mil/dsop/redhat/ubi/ubi8" |
| commit          | "0a3096be025e895caf9e8619ee4ce9fefec99b5b"          |

New pipeline run with changes:

| imageName       | "redhat/ubi/ubi8"                                   |
| imageTag        | "8.6"                                               |
| parentImageName | ""                                                  |
| parentImageTag  | ""                                                  |
| jobId           | "3201"                                              |
| digest          | "af05d714c632d8adaf602e01…e880a58b74fc3a81e503e8b"  |
| timestamp       | "2022-12-16T15:48:34Z"                              |
| scanDate        | "2022-12-16T15:42:51Z"                              |
| buildDate       | "2022-12-16T15:42:51Z"                              |
| repo            |                                                     |
| url             | "https://code-ib-mario.st…mil/dsop/redhat/ubi/ubi8" |
| commit          | "3919c1f2bc80ac624c8948824f6e94c4e4fc1bf8"          |
Edited by Cody Miller

Merge request reports