1757 combine lint os and possibly trufflehog jobs
- In the parent pipeline, replaces the lint, secret-scan, and os-type stages into one stage called validate-container-metadata
- Combined the lint and os-type jobs into a job called lint-and-image-inspect in the validate-container-metadata stage
- Moved the trufflehog job into this stage
- Removed code from trigger.yaml that was not needed anymore
- Removed /stages/lint/validate-hardening-manifest.yaml since it is not being used anywhere
- Updated documentation to reflect these changes
Rollback Plan
- Tested in Mario with https://code-ib-mario.staging.dso.mil/dsop/rflynn/ubi8/-/pipelines/22000 and most recently with https://code-ib-mario.staging.dso.mil/dsop/rflynn/ubi8/-/pipelines/24481
Edited by Ryan Flynn