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Force Syft to produce cyclonedx 1.5 and 1.6. Tidelift requires 1.5.

Jeffrey Wuebbles requested to merge generate-cyclonedx-json-version-1.5 into master

When we bumped syft to 1.11 in pipeline-runner 24.07.15-123300-4 it by default generated a cyclonedx version 1.6. This version is not compatible with tidelift so the pipeline needs to produce both versions until Tidelift is ready for cyclonedx version 1.6.

Zelda trigger run: https://code-ib-zelda.staging.dso.mil/ironbank-tools/tools/trigger/-/jobs/264907

Quick Example using the same pipeline-runner image:

Edited by Jeffrey Wuebbles

Merge request reports