This project provides templates used by the fiesta-wagon-bootstrap project to build a fiesta wagon development environment.
template placeholder variables to be replaced
: the name of the project. Should be all lower case and contain no whitespace. -
: the name of the environment variable used to convey the database name depending on the chosen db. For example, postgres would usePG_DATABASE
: the name of the environment variable used to convey the database username depending on the chosen db. For example, postgres would usePG_USER
: the name of the environment variable used to convey the database password depending on the chosen db. For example, postgres would usePG_PASSWORD
: the name of the environment variable used to convey the database host depending on the chosen db. For example, postgres would usePGHOST
: static value of.env
. We want git to ignore .env files, but not in the project where the templates are maintained.