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BULL-1172 | T572: Check for symlinks before opening files

Baban Faraj requested to merge BULL-1172 into master

Updated the nginx.conf file to disable opening of symlink files.

Prerequisite to follow testing steps:

  1. Update the Dockerfile (for testing) within Launchboard-FE to use a normal NGINX image from DockerHub instead of using the harden image
  2. Build the image
  3. Use the newly built image within the Docker-Compose file
  4. Update the port mapping and user within the Docker-Compose file of launchboard-local-dev

Tested by doing the following:

    • Copying the Gitlab status icon from the static directory of the running application in /var/www/static to another temp.png file
    • Removing the Gitlab status icon
    • Applying a symbolic link command to the temp.png to the Gitlab status icon original file name
    • Viewing the webpage and seeing the Gitlab icons are not showing anymore

I also enabled symbolic links for additional testing and managed to see the Gitlab icon.

WIP until branch is caught up to master

Edited by Baban Faraj

Merge request reports